Starting biotechnology research and development, is one of the recent series of action plans for the Biden government.Previously, Bayeng signed chips and scientific laws last month to promote the development of nanotechnology, clean energy, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, especially semiconductor manufacturing.These plans are related to compete with China and reduce the dependence of the United States to China.

(Boston Composite Electric) US President Biden Biden signed an administrative order on Monday (September 12) to launch a national biotechnology and biological manufacturing initiative to deal with China's challenges in biotechnology.The Biden government must ensure that the United States can continue to invent and create these products in the United States.

The White House said that the initiative will create new employment in the United States, establish a stronger supply chain, and reduce the cost of living in American families.

The White House also pointed out that if we can make full use of the entire potential of biotechnology and biological manufacturing, "we will be able to create almost anything, medicines, fuels and plastics used in daily life, and continue to promote the development of the United States."

Starting biotechnology research and development, it is one of the most recent series of action plans for Biden's government.Previously, Bayeng signed chips and scientific laws last month to promote the development of nanotechnology, clean energy, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, especially semiconductor manufacturing.These plans are related to compete with China and reduce the dependence of the United States to China.

A senior official said that although the United States is the world's top biotechnology innovation and is leading in this field, "but we are risking behind, just like we are in the field of semiconductors and high -end telecommunications fields.Unless we transform biotechnology innovation into the economic and social interests of all Americans, other countries including China, especially China, are actively investing in this field, which constitutes risksBiological economic development plan.

Another senior official said that before the end of 2030, the potential of engineering biology was estimated to have more than one -third of the world's output in the manufacturing industry, with a value of up to 3 billion US dollars (about 417,000 USD 417,000Singapore dollars)

The White House will hold a national biotechnology and biological manufacturing summit on Wednesday, and more specific details will be disclosed at that time.

The "Cancer Monthing Plan" target will reduce the death rate of cancer within 25 years

The late President Kennedy delivered a speech on the "Lunar" on September 12, 1962 to persuade the American people to support the moon landing plan.For 60 years, Biden Library in Boston John Kennedy on Monday also set a goal for the "Cancer Moonshot Initiative", hoping to reduce the cancer mortality rate in the next 25 years through innovative therapy.

Biden said that cancer "doesn't care if you are Republicans or Democrats ... Today I set a long -term goal for the cancer lunar lunar plan, that is, to gather the creativity of Americans, work hard like the moon landing, and to participate in the moon.Once all over and for all overcome cancer. "

Cancer is the second major cause of heart disease in the United States.Biden said that in -depth research may obtain medical breakthroughs, including the development of vaccines to prevent cancer, or blood testing, which can detect cancer during annual medical examinations.

Bynden pointed out that as in 1962, the United States was in the most intense period of the Cold War at that time. Domestic people were tight because of civil rights. The United States today is at a "inflection point".State goals that work together. ""I know we can do this together, as long as the United States work together, nothing cannot be done."

The percentage of the overall R & D funds in the United States accounted for the high domestic product (GDP) in the 1950s, and then declined year by year. Byden promised to reverse this trend.

Bay Biden's son Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015. Biden said that this also stimulated his development of the development of the lunar moon landing plan.