(New York Electric) sources revealed that US President Biden is preparing to sign an administrative order to help expand the American biological manufacturing industry and reduce dependence on China.

According to Bloomberg, sources said that the draft administrative order formulated a strategy to support the biological manufacturing industry; the United States plans to vigorously promote the biological manufacturing of medical care, agriculture, energy, and other industries, and use biological systems to manufacture new drugs and human tissue and human body tissue.A series of products and materials such as biofuels and food.

aimed at reducing product prices and strengthening supply chain security

Administrative orders will emphasize that improving and developing American biological manufacturing will eventually reduce product prices and strengthen the security of supply chain.

Sources said that the crown disease epidemic has a sense of urgency, so that the government wants to clarify the strategy of the biological industry.Administrative orders will overview how the United States should train a well -trained labor team to make biological products and materials.The Biden government also plans to deploy resources to support the expansion of infrastructure related to biological manufacturing, but it is unclear whether there is a funding to support this administrative order.

The United States is one of the most powerful biotechnology industries in the world. It is a leading position in R & D and allows high -tech manufacturing to be transferred overseas.US national security and intelligence officials are particularly worried that the United States is too dependent on China's advanced biological manufacturing infrastructure.

The National Development and Reform Commission of China released the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" biological economic development plan in May this year. This is China's first five -year plan for the biological economy, which clarifies the specific task of the development of the biological economy.It is mentioned that it is necessary to accelerate the innovation capabilities of biotechnology, accelerate the extensive empowerment of health, agriculture, energy, environmental protection and other industries, and promote the diversified development of the biological economy.

Earlier, the Biden government has signed a series of bills and administrative orders in the semiconductor field to try to curb China's development in the high -tech field.Biden signed the 2022 chip and the Science and Technology Act as a law on August 9. The total amount of this bill reached US $ 280 billion (S $ 391.6 billion), including $ 52 billion to support computer chip manufacturing companies.

Bynden subsequently signed an administrative order aimed at implementing the chip bill on August 25, with the purpose of increasing semiconductor output, strengthening the United States' leading position in chip research and design, cultivating diverse semiconductor labor, so that to enableThe United States has competitive advantages internationally.