Analysts said that after the US inflation data is released, investors' expectations of interest rate hikes will heat up.Dangerous emotions."The Federal Reserve is more actively tightening the monetary policy, which is not good for the performance of risk assets."

The inflation in the United States in August is higher than expected. The Federal Reserve Agency may increase interest rates next week, dragging down the US stock market overnight, and the Asian stock market also fell collectively.

The Fed's Open Market Committee (FOMC) will hold a meeting next Tuesday and Wednesday (September 20 and 21), and then announced the interest rate hike.Analysts expect that before the meeting, the market's risk aversion may lead to the general decline in risk asset prices, and Asian stock fluctuations continue until the end of this year.

The Japanese stock market was the largest loser on Wednesday (September 14th). The Nikkei 225 index opened a 2.95 % short start, falling below the psychological barrier of 28,000 points. When closed, the decline was slightly narrowed to 2.78 %.Australia, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan's stock markets fell 2.58 %, 2.48 %, 1.56 %, and 1.59 %, respectively.The Singapore Strait Times Index fell 0.97 %, and the Shanghai stock market fell 0.8 %.

At the same time, the two -year Treasury yields of the United States with the most sensitive monetary policy have soared to 3.8 %, which has touched the new high in the past 15 years, and the curve of the 10 -year national bond yield has expanded, highlighting the market decline in the market.Worry.

IG market strategist Ye Junrong said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao: "The inflation data higher than expected shows that the speed of increased price pressure is not as fast as expected." Although US gasoline prices fell by 10.6 % month -on -month, it was being being used as a month -on -month.The 0.7 % increase of rent was offset, and the proportion of rent at the consumer price index was about one -third.

He said that after the US inflation data was released, investors' expectations of interest rate hikes were heating up. The US overnight stock market plummeted, the largest single -day decline in the past two years, and also caused risk aversion in the Asian stock market."The Federal Reserve is more actively tightening the measures of monetary policy, which is not good for the performance of risk assets."

According to the FedWatch tool analysis of the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME), the market expects the probability of the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates from 91 % to 66 %, and the probability of raising 100 basis points increases from 0 % to 34 %.Ye Junrong pointed out that the highest interest rate (Terminal Rate) in the US interest rate hike cycle is 4.25 % to 4.5 %, which is higher than 3.75 % to 4 % before the inflation data was announced.

It is expected that Asian stocks will continue to fluctuate at the end of this year

As far as the short -term is concerned, Li Cailian, general manager of the Overseas Chinese Investment Research Company, expects the Asian stock market to continue to fluctuate by the end of this year, and risk assets may be affected by the high interest rate environment.

She said that most of the major stock indexes have been sold by the market this year."Although the valuations of these markets are more attractive than last year, in the face of the rise in energy prices and other operating expenses, the operating environment of the enterprise has become more severe, and its profit performance or facing pressure. Weak economic prospects may also affect the camps.Receiving performance. " Research and Investment Group Management Department Research and Analyst Zheng Bolun believes that the Asian stock market will face unfavorable factors such as the slowdown of global economic growth and the downward cycle of the electronics industry in the short term.Regarding the regional economy will promote the performance of the regional stock market, but considering that the current backwind facing is still significant, the recent performance of the stock market may still be affected.