

A energy crisis caused by the Russian and Ukraine war has allowed the nuclear energy to have been rejuvenated by many countries for many years.

As a low -carbon energy source, nuclear energy is also considered to play a pivotal role on global emission reduction roads.

re -embrace nuclear energy can really alleviate the global energy crisis and allow countries to achieve the dual goals of energy independence and net zero emissions?

From Europe to Asia, the development of nuclear energy seems to be the general trend.Experts believe that multiple factors have prompted countries to shift their positions from fear and opposition from fear and opposition to acceptance and hugs.

The French think tank Sustainable Development and the Institute of International Relations (IDDRI) Energy and Climate Bergmanns told AFP: "Europe is in a very different energy situation, and several crises overlap -Russia's natural gas supplyProblems, droughts lead to a decrease in water storage capacity of the reservoir, the production of the French nuclear power plant is low ... All factors are important. "

Bloomberg quoted Australian uranium mineral exploration and development company Bannerman Energy CEO Mongoluo, "Fear of fear of the Fukushima nuclear accident and the emotional of opposing (nuclear power) has faded because of the past 10The scientific research of the year eases the severity of the accident, and Asian countries are now facing a more serious and fatal threat from energy shortage. "

Scholars: Nuclear energy efficiency is millions of times higher than other fossil fuels

The key is, can nuclear power generation really allow countries to independence energy?Is the security problem of nuclear energy solved due to the development of nuclear technology?

Dr. Zhou Eubin, a senior researcher at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajelenan International Research Institute (RSIS), pointed out in a Lianhe Zaobao interview: "In terms of energy efficiency, nuclear energy is much higher than other fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum or natural gas.And this is not only two or three times or even 10 times, but a million times increase in energy efficiency. This is because the energy generated by 1 kg of uranium is more than one million times that of 1 kg of coal. If we compare green green, it is greenRenewable energy, solar energy and wind energy are intermittent power generation mode, and cannot be used as basic load energy, that is, power supply. "

Zhou Erbin also believes that fossil fuel or renewable energy may not be safer than nuclear power."Victims of mining accidents and inhaling coal ash are already more than operating nuclear power plants (victims that cause accidents) ... Solar energy and wind energy are considered harmless green energy, but is it safe?The development of facilities also causes a lot of interference. "

Our World In Data Research Director Hannah Ritchie, the University of Oxford in Data, passed a very interesting concept of "Europe Village" two years ago to show that nuclear energy is the safest power generation technology technologyone.

She assumes that the European village has a population of 150,000. If the coal is completely used to supply electricity for European villages, at least 25 people die from air pollution each year.If the power is powered by wind energy, one person will die in related accidents every 25 years; the risk of nuclear energy is slightly lower, and one person dies every 33 years; the safest is solar energy, and one person dies every 50 years.

Zhou Erbin pointed out that nuclear energy is actually one of the most strict energy sources today."Nuclear energy must be strictly supervised, because the world must ensure the peaceful use of nuclear energy and must not be transferred as weapons.

"In design, nuclear power plants have passed several strict standards before they are officially put into operation, such as earthquake resistance. It is worth noting that the design of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station has indeed suffered an earthquake attack in the 2011 East Japan earthquake.The number of casualties of this accident is caused by the tsunami, not the result of the melting of nuclear power plants. "

However, for the Japanese people who have experienced the tsunami in 2011, the memory of the nuclear disaster of that year is still fresh, so domestic public opinion has a voice of two factions on whether to restart the nuclear energy.

Orange Chuanwuro, Vice President of the International University of Japan, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "According to the polls of the Yomi Lisao, due to the problems of short -term power supply, the call for restarted nuclear power stations has risen.For the long -term goal of adding a new nuclear power plant, there are many opposition. There are also opposition to the ruling party. Not only the Liberal Democratic Party's Kono Kono and others, the Gongming Party has long aimed at leaving the nuclear power for a long time. "

Orange Chuanwu believes that there should be more discussions in restarting nuclear energy. The Ukraine Zapolo Nuclear Power Station should be involved in Russia and Ukraine, indicating that the use of nuclear energy has new risks.

As the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station has been connected to the Ukraine National Grid several times during the war, causing global concerns about nuclear leakage risks.Ukraine has accused Russia of using nuclear power plants as a shield. Nuclear power plants, which were originally used as peace power generation, have now become a timing bomb.

Currently about 440 nuclear reactors supply 10 % of power demand globally

Orange Chuanwulang said: "For traditional risks such as earthquakes, tsunami, etc., Japan has the atomic energy regulatory committee to strictly review and determine whether it allows restart. However, new risks have emerged today: After Russia invaded Ukraine, the nuclear power plant is positioned as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power plant as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power plant as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power plant as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power plant as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the positioning of the nuclear power station as the position of the nuclear power plant as the positioning.Military goals. In the case of new risk threats, should we continue to use nuclear power plants and must discuss the world. "

At present, about 440 nuclear reactors worldwide are running, supplying 10 % of power demand for global power.The International Energy Agency predicts that by 2050, almost 90 % of the world's electricity will come from renewable energy, and the wind power and solar power generation will account for nearly 70 %, and most of the rest are from nuclear power.

A nuclear energy technology briefing of the European Economic Commission last August states that if nuclear energy is excluded, the world will not be able to achieve the setting of emission reduction targets.The report also pointed out that nuclear power is a low -carbon energy source. In the past 50 years, it has avoided about 74 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions, which is equivalent to the sum of global energy -related emissions in the past two years.

In July of this year, the European Parliament voted for a resolution to list nuclear energy as green energy.Can a green label for nuclear can assist the global crisis of climate change?

In fact, nuclear energy is not net zero emissions.

Nuclear energy power itself does not produce greenhouse gases directly, but if the mining, transportation, processing, and post -processing of nuclear fuel;These activities will consume fossil energy and generate greenhouse gases.

In fact, there is currently no net zero emissions of the entire life cycle.However, in the life cycle of the nuclear power plant, the carbon dioxide generated by the power per unit of the nuclear energy is roughly the same asIn comparison of solar energy, one -third of them is the technology with the lowest carbon emissions.

In the latest report, the International Energy Agency pointed out that in the face of the global energy crisis, nuclear power can play an important role and assist countries to transition to the energy structure of renewable energy.However, in the next 30 years, the global nuclear power capacity must be doubled, so that it is expected to achieve the dual targets of net zero carbon emissions and energy independence.

Russia and Ukraine's conflict shake the energy market nuclear power and then attract interests in various countries

"We are in the first global energy crisis. As far as its depth and consequences are concerned, the world has never witnessed such a serious energy crisis ... I believe we may not see the worst situation yet."

In July of this year, the director of the International Energy Agency, Billor, depicts the above -mentioned pessimistic prospects to global energy supply at a global energy forum in Sydney.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February this year, Russia and Europe have been "fighting".As the largest natural gas supply country in Europe, Russia, which faces Western sanctions, logically treats natural gas as the best weapon to restrain Europe.

The shortage of natural gas and petroleum has reshaped the energy market, and the price of fossil fuel has also risen.The nuclear energy that was abandoned after Chel Nobel and Fukushima Nuclear accident once again aroused interest in countries around the world.

In February this year, France announced that it plans to build six nuclear reactors; Belgium also decided to delay the plan to abolish the nuclear energy in 2025 for 10 years after one month, and the implementation of it in 2035.

Former British Prime Minister, Johnson, was ambitious before he stepped down, and ambitious announced that he would build the goal of one nuclear power plant every year.

Nuclear energy supply in 2020 is about 21 % of Britain's energy demand, which is much higher than 9.4 % in 2000.The British government's goal was to expand nuclear power generation to 24 Gigawatts by 2050, accounting for about 25 % of the national power demand.

The largest European economy in Europe was originally scheduled to close the last three nuclear power plants at the end of this year; the power generation of these three nuclear power stations accounted for 6 % of German power supply.

The German Economic Minister of Economic Minister Habeck on Monday (September 5) revealed that the government will retire the nuclear power plant on December 31 according to the plan, but two of the nuclear power plants will be retained as an emergency reserve until April next year.

Asian countries embracing nuclear energy also have a tendency to rise.After the Fukushima nuclear accident occurred in 2011, Japan suspended the operation of multiple nuclear power plants and no longer built a new nuclear power plant.

However, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita pointed out last month: "The invasion of Russia has changed the global energy situation. Nuclear energy and renewable energy are important for promoting green transformation."

He revealed that the government may extend the operating life of existing nuclear power plants and consider building the next generation of nuclear power plants. The goal is to commercialize the new nuclear power plant in the 2030s.

Data from the Ministry of Economic and Industry of Japan show that in 2019, nuclear energy power generation accounts for 6 % of Japan's power supply. Japan's current goal is to increase this ratio to 20 % to 22 %.Kishida hopes that by next summer, 17 nuclear power plants that pass the Japanese atomic regulation committee can be launched again.

South Korea plans to increase nuclear energy in national energy supply from 27 % in 2021 to more than 30 % in 2030.

There are about 3 % of India's power from nuclear energy. The goal of Indian Prime Minister Modi is to double the number of nuclear power plants in the next 10 years.About 70 % of India's current power comes from coal.

The World Nuclear Energy Association data shows that China currently has nearly 24 Gaval's nuclear power capacity under construction, and another 34 Gava nuclear power capacity is planned.If all plans are implemented, China will become the world's largest nuclear power country.

Southeast Asian countries are also eager to try nuclear energy.Former Philippine President Duterte signed an administrative order in March to incorporate nuclear energy into the national energy plan to gradually eliminate coal -fired power plants; the current President President Macos stated that he was open to nuclear power generation.

Singapore also discusses the possibility of nuclear power generation

Indonesia plans to launch the first nuclear power plant in 2045 to achieve the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2060.

In May this year, the Minister of Industry and Trade of Vietnam told Congress that development of nuclear energy is an inevitable trend in the world, indicating that Vietnamese officials may be considering the plan to restore the construction of nuclear power plants.

Even the densely populated Singapore is also discussing the possibility of nuclear power generation.The report issued by the Energy 2050 Committee appointed by the Singapore Energy Market Administration was listed in March this year. By 2050, nuclear power generation may meet Singapore's 10 % power supply.

? It also needs a more complete way to deal with nuclear waste

Nuclear energy power has high energy efficiency, but the treatment of nuclear waste is a very difficult problem.

Professor Haiert, chief scientific adviser of the British Nuclear Waste Bureau, told Broadcasting Corporation: "The fuel components used in the UK have strong radioactivity, and radioactivity must be attenuated for a long time ... After about 1,000 yearsIt can be reduced to 10 %, and after 100,000 years, the remaining part can be attenuated. "

The information of the World Nuclear Energy Association shows that there are currently two main methods of treating nuclear waste: nearly surface disposal method and deep geological disposal method.

Czech, Finland, France, Spain, Sweden and other countries adopted the near -ground surface disposal method.This is mainly suitable for low -level radioactive nuclear waste, which is a short -term disposal method.

Deep geological disposal rules buried nuclear waste at the depth of 250 meters to 1000 meters underground, away from the water source and food chain, which is a more reliable treatment method.

Nuclear waste is sealed in a "multi -barrier" system consisting of multiple storage tanks. Even if it is leaked in the end, it is a matter of hundreds of thousands of years later, and the radioactivity has been attenuated at that time.

However, only Finland has built permanent sealing nuclear waste facilities in the ground granite layer. Sweden and France also plans to seal nuclear waste permanently in the clay layer deep in the underground.

Some nuclear fuels can be processed, recycled uranium and dysfunction, and increase the utilization rate of nuclear fuel.Although this Closed fuel cycle (Closed Fuel Cycle) method can greatly reduce the quality and volume of the final nuclear waste, the technology is complex and cost -effective.