North Korea's Supreme People's Conference adopted a law to defend the use of nuclear strikes of the premier manner to protect their rights.

North Korean leader Kim Jong -un emphasized that the United States attempts to disintegrate the North Korean regime, and he states that North Korea will never abandon the tough position of nuclear weapons.

The North Korean Society reported on the 9th that the seventh session of North Korea ’s 14th Supreme People's Conference was held in Pyongyang from 7 to 8. Kim Jong -un delivered a governance speech, which voted for the decree on nuclear military policy.

Kim Jong -un pointed out that the goal of the United States is to eliminate North Korea's nuclear weapons, and its ultimate purpose is to allow North Korea to abandon nuclear, abandon and weaken North Korea's ability to exercise self -defense, to wait for the opportunity to disintegrate the North Korean regime.

He said that through the previous largest sanctions and blockade, the United States tried to abandon North Korea to abandon the nuclear. Unfortunately, this was a misjudgment of the enemy, so they allowed them to perform sanctions for 100 days, 1000 days, 10 years, and 100 years.

Kim Jong -un emphasized that North Korea will not abandon the right to self -defense that is related to the right to survival and the future security of the country and the people.No matter how difficult the environment is facing, in the political and military situation of the Korean Peninsula created by the United States, North Korea needs to restrain the United States of the United States in a long distance, so it must not abandon the nuclear.

It is reported that the meeting discussed and passed a number of agenda, including the decree on the North Korean nuclear force policy.

The passing of the

Act is "major political events", indicating that North Korea's status as a responsible country with nuclear support is "irreversible" and is a reliable legal weapon to promote "the Korean Peninsula and region and the world."In response, people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea said that South Korea has not changed its nuclearization of North Korea.It will promote North Korea without denuclearization through dialogue and diplomatic channels.

The report published by the US Nuclear Scientist Association (BAS) predicts that North Korea may have 20 to 30 nuclear warheads with medium -range ballistic missiles, but have it been successfully developed on the intercontinental ballistic missiles.The nuclear warhead is not sure.

It is speculated that the power of the nuclear warhead owned by North Korea is equivalent to 10,000 tons to 20,000 tons TNT equivalent.During World War II, the United States' atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Japan was 16,000 tons.The report also believes that North Korea also has fissionable materials for 45 to 55 nuclear warheads.