The Queen of England died, and the Crown Prince Charles succeeded to the "Charles III" of Charles III.The translation of the new king is inconsistent in the Chinese media, some are called "Charles III", and some are "Charles III".

Scholars believe that both translations are acceptable, and if there is no special ideology behind it, the media should choose the appropriate translation according to individual social context.

The translation of King Charles before ascending the throne is generally "Charles Crown Prince", and after the succession, it is named "Charles III", which feels logical.However, there were two King Charles, Charlie I and Charles II in British history, and the new king's translation of the first two generations was taken for granted.

As far as Charles's English name "Charles" is concerned, the transliteration is "Charlie" or "Charles".In fact, Charles' Chinese translation did not standardize the translation in the early Chinese media.

Reporters flipped through the Xingzhou Daily and Nanyang Business Daily in the 1950s to the 1970s reports about Charles' reports that his translations generally appeared in "Charles", "Charlie" and "Charles", and "Charles" was more consistent.The translation only appeared in the mid -1980s.

Dr. Cui Feng, deputy director of the Master's course of Nanyang University of Science and Technology's School of Humanities, Dr. Cui Feng, senior lecturer of the Department of Chinese Department, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that "Charlie" is the nickname of "Charles", so there have been two Chinese translations in "Charles" for a long timeThe law is normal.

He explained that Charles' translation name was more standardized in the mid -1980s, which means that text workers have deepened their understanding of the principles of translation and realized the need for translation specifications.

The translation of important characters is more important

He said: "In the translation of culture, when the object is an important person, the specifications of the translation name are more important. If the translation name is diverse, it will make readers overwhelmed, which is not conducive to communication and communication between different cultures."

Cui Feng also said that Charles is closer to the original text. Compared with the nickname, Charles, Charles seems more formal.

The full name of King Charles is Charles Philip Arthur George.According to the royal tradition, he can use any name in his full name after his succession.

The London Times reported that Charles had considered George VII after the succession to commemorate his grandfather and avoid "Charlie", who was considered to be in doom in the royal circle.

In 1642, Charles I contradicted with Congress, detonating the civil war, and eventually became the only British monarch who was beheaded.His son Charlie II was exiled for many years after his father was beheaded. He was known as the "Happy King" and was criticized for many illegitimate sons with many lover.

The Guardian quoted Charles an anonymous friend to refute the "Charlie Doom".The friend also properly predicted that he would continue to use the name Charles.