(Washington News) The Voice of America reported that in the face of China's step -by -step forced, Guam, the important military base of the United States in the Western Pacific, is being upgraded to upgrade the missile defense system.

A number of military experts warned that the current defense capacity of Guam is not enough to deal with China's comprehensive missile attacks. It is urgent to upgrade as soon as possible to reduce the success rate of China's PLA to capture Taiwan.

Hill, director of the US Missile Defense, pointed out that Guam is currently facing "the threat of continuous evolution", especially threats from China, including increasingly advanced ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, new high -speed weapons, and even from space.Potential threats, these threats may launch attacks from multiple different platforms at the same time.

Guam is the most western territory in the United States. It is far from the United States. Instead, it is closer to the East Asia and mainland, 2700 kilometers from Taiwan.During the Second World War, Guam was occupied by Japan shortly after the Pearl Harbor incident.

The senior researcher of the Hawaiian Eastern and Western Center Rao Yiyi said that Guam is very important in Taiwan's emergencies. It is close to the outbreak of the expected conflict and can be used as a logistics hub, but it is also far away.Fighting Guam.

He analyzed: "Guam is a politically reliable place, and the U.S. military can launch it here because it is a US territory ... Guam is also the only American submarine base in the Western Pacific."

Davis, a senior analyst of the Australian Strategic Policy Research Institute, believes that a large number of military hardware is concentrated in a small area, making Guam to become an important goal of the Chinese PLA ballistic missile and cruise missile attacks.

He emphasized that the United States must protect Guam to avoid such attacks. Losing Guam will make it more difficult to maintain cutting -edge operations in the United States and make China more likely to successfully capture Taiwan.