Some senior EU officials admit that this fall or early winter is likely to have "critical moments", that is, EU member states have begun to feel the economic pain brought to the country, but they stillYou have to take out more money and military resources to support Ukraine.

(Alington / Frankfurt Comprehensive Electric) Russia's invasion of Ukraine is about to enter the seventh month. Analysts believe that the EU's future support for Ukraine will face more uncertainty, but it should not give up;It also began to remind people of the country that this would be a protracted war.

Some senior EU officials admit that this fall or early winter is likely to appear "crunch point", that is, EU member states have begun to feel the economic pain caused by the war to the country, but they have to take out moreQian and military resources support Ukraine.

In order to allow domestic people to prepare for the next challenge, many leaders, such as French President Macron, have begun to remind the people that the Ukrainian war will last for many months, and the current impact that domestic feelings are only beginning.

In fact, in private, France and Germany still have serious doubts about the possible consequences of Ukraine's victory, but as long as the United States' support for Ukraine is unchanged, for the European Union's unity, Berlin and Paris are unlikely to be unlikelyPublicly oppose the position of the Eastern Eastern European member states that are more eagle in the EU.This means that they are unlikely nor to promote diplomatic solutions this year or even next year.

The analysis of Politico, a US political news media, pointed out that the European Union's debate on Russia's next round of sanctions will have significant differences.The EU is expected to reach an agreement quickly.

In view of this political reality, the EU member states will provide other forms of assistance to Ukraine for the next few months and next year, including the realization of 9 billion euros (S $ 12.5 billion) fiscal aid and military provided by the EU this year to Ukraine.assistance.

The European economy is in a recession due to the Russian and Ukraine War

The bigger unknown is whether public opinion will change in European countries.The European economy, which was originally expected to be boosted after the crown disease epidemic, is almost sure to fall into a recession due to a Russian and Ukraine War.

The inflation rate in the euro zone has reached 9 %, the highest in half a century.As consumers began to tighten their belts, the retail sales in June fell 4 % year -on -year, and German data fell by 9 %.

The German online retailer ZAALANDO co -CEO Genz said: "The cost of living is getting higher and higher, and consumers are reluctant to consume."

If Russia further reduces natural gas exports, the pain that European countries feel can increase."The current natural gas shock is much larger," the current natural gas impact is much larger, almost twice the oil impact of oil in the 1970s ... In the past two years, we saw that the price of natural gas in Europe has risen nine to 10 times."

Many economists believe that Europe's largest economy in Germany and the fourth largest economy in Europe will soon fall into a economic recession because of serious dependence on natural gas.Fortunately, Europe still has some advantages, that is, the number of employment in Europe has a record high.

Schunabel, a member of the European Central Bank Board of Directors, said: "We see the continued shortage of labor, the unemployment rate is at a historical low, and there are many vacancies in positions ... This may mean that even if we enter the downturn, companies may be very reluctant to be very reluctantLarge -scale layoffs. "