(Washington / London Comprehensive Electric) Indonesia announced that Russian President Putin and Chinese officials will attend the Bali Island Twenty Group (G20) summit at the end of this year, and the National Security Council issued a statement on Friday (August 19)Relansing that President Bayeng believes that Putin should not attend the summit since the war at Ukraine, but if he attended then, he should let Ukrainian President Zeelianzki also attend.

The National Security Council insisted on letting Zerlezky "attended" the summit, meaning that Zelei Sky does not have to attend the scene in a virtual way.This has already followed the previous example. In July of this year, Ukraine Foreign Minister Coleba delivered a video speech at the G20 Foreign Minister meeting.

British Foreign Ministry: Russia has no moral rights to attend the summit

Although US officials have attended the preparatory meeting before the leaders' summit, Biden has not yet stated whether it will attend.Biden said in March that Russia should be removed from the G20 due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Earlier, the White House officials revealed that they privately expressed the requirements of the United States who hoped that Russia would not attend the summit.

The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday that Russia is still attacking Ukraine, and Russia cannot attend the G20 summit.A British Foreign Ministry spokesman said: "Russia has no moral rights to attend the summit because Russia's aggression on Ukraine is still continuing."

The spokesman also said: "We welcome Indonesia to ensure that the G20 meeting considers the influence of the Russian war and indicates that Ukraine may be attended by the president (Zerinski)."

Bloomberg's analysis article pointed out that Biden is now facing difficult choices: whether to show up with the two leaders who want to be isolated in the United States, or stay in China, and give up the opportunity to create favorable results through this summit.

Analysis, the reality that Biden must face is that the G20 host country Indonesia refuses to choose the side station on the issue of Invasion in Russia, and it is impartial in terms of Sino -US confrontation and intensive tension.EssenceAnother problem is that Putin and Chinese official attending the summit are news that Biden does not want to hear. This summit will give Putin an opportunity to expose in international occasions to start the possibility of direct meeting with Putin and Biden.The two will also share the stage in the meeting, the whole photo and ceremony.

Some analysts believe that Biden will definitely attend the summit, so as not to let Putin grab the sharpness.Harlem, deputy director of the Eurasian Center of the Washington Think Tank Atlantic Council, said: "Biden will definitely attend. I think the problem is how strong Biden's confrontation will be ...Will give the summit to Putin. "

Former US Minister of Defense Panetta also believed that Biden should attend. He accepted a Bloomberg TV interview and said: "If we do not want to have a war with China and Russia, the only way to solve the problem is to dialogue."