The sister of the North Korean leader Kim Jong -un, and the deputy minister of the Central Committee of the Labor Party, Kim and Zheng, who criticized South Korea ’s President Yin Xiyue to propose to North Korea,“ As long as North Korea abandon nuclear, it will provide a full range of support ”speaking.The position of ignorance.

Gold and Zheng Friday (August 19), through the title of "Don’t Be Dovish Dreams" through labor news, saying that Yin Xiyue's "bold plan" conception is extremely ridiculous.The copy of the "abandonment of nuclear, open, and 3000" concept proposed by the Li Mingbo government.

She shows that the DPRK will never use the fundamental guarantee of the country's body to exchange the "economic cooperation" project. Yin Xiyue's premise that the premise of "If the DPRK takes nuclearization measures" is the wrong hypothesis itself.

She also said that the most disgusting thing is that the Korean side does not allow the DPRK to abandon the development of nuclear weapons and talk about "if the actual turning to nuclearization, can improve the economy and people's livelihood" and other nonsense.Word.

Yin Xiyue publicly concept about the "bold plan" in the DPRK in the speech of the Light Rehabilitation on the 15th, saying that if North Korea takes substantial nuclearization measures, it will help North Korea to improve the economic conditions and the quality of life of residents.Promote the project that exchanged Korean mineral resources in Korea before reaching the nuclear agreement.

South Korea ’s President’ s Office emphasized that North Korea ’s“ nuclear -free, open, 3000 ”solution that North Korea has repeatedly obtained a nuclearization agreement as a prerequisite for economic cooperation, and the“ Bold Plan ”was written in the roadmap.Political and military cooperation plan.


"Nuclear, Open, 3000" scheme refers to increasing North Korea's per capita income to $ 3,000 after North Korea achieved non -denomination and opening up.

Kim and Zheng also said that the location of the two cruise missiles on the 17th was not the Ping An South Road Hot Spring, but the "Golden Star Bridge" in Anzhou City, Ping An.In this regard, the Korean military said that this is the result of the exploration and scientific analysis of South Korean and American information assets.

In response to the content of the conversation between Kim and Zheng, the South Korean Unified Minister Quan Ningshi pointed out that North Korea condemned South Korean president with a very rude and unique wording word, distorting and criticizing the bold plan of South Korean president, which was deeply regrettable.

Analysis believes that competition between China and the United States is increasing, and the confrontation between the United States and Russia is deepened around the Ukrainian war.North Korea may judge that as long as it has a good relationship with China and Russia.