In the context of the continued warfare of the Russia and Ukraine, some Chinese officials said that if it is actions, it will highlight the closer security relationship with the non -American allies.In order to resist the intention of western countries.

(New York Comprehensive News) People familiar with the matter said that China ’s official plans to visit Central Asia in September and meet with Russian President Putin and leaders of other countries during the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

In the context of the continued warming of the war in Russia and the Taiwan Strait, some Chinese officials said that if they become a row, they will establish a closer security relationship with Chinese officials with non -American allies to resist the intention of western countries to block the siege of western countries.Essence

This year's SCO annual summit will be held in Samarham, the second largest city in Uzbekistan from September 15th to 16th.The Wall Street Journal quoted sources who participated in the summit preparations that the Chinese government signaled that Chinese officials might be able to attend the summit in person, but the plan may change.Officials from the SCO members also said that Chinese officials have not been determined by the conference or online.

If it is done, this should be the first visit to Chinese officials since visiting Myanmar in January 2020.The last time Chinese officials left mainland China, they went to Hong Kong to attend the return celebration at the end of June this year.

Message: China began to prepare for bilateral meetings with India -Pakistani and other countries

Sources said that the Chinese government has begun to prepare bilateral meetings with the leaders of Pakistan, India and Turkey during the summit.Leaders of these countries also plan to attend the summit.

Some sources revealed that Beijing began to prepare for the Chinese official trip to Central Asia after visiting Taiwan in Taiwan earlier this month.Beijing is worried that Sino -US tensions due to the intensification of Taiwan issues may lead to occasional military conflicts.

The SCO is a regional security organization founded by China, Russia, and four other Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tagikistan) in 2001.Essence

Originally, Iran, an observer state, will become a formal member in September

In 2017, the organization added two member states of India and Pakistan.Iran, who was originally an observer country, will become a official member of the SCO at the Samarham Summit in September. This is the first time Iran has officially joined the international organization since the 1979 Revolution.

The Nine Kingdoms of the SCO Organization, the population of 3.4 billion, or 43%of the world's total population. It is also the world's most widely regional comprehensive cooperation organization.

Earlier reports said that US President Biden will talk to China officially at the G20 summit at the 20th of the G20, which will be the first face -to -face meeting of the Sino -US summit since his inauguration.Indonesian President Zoko also confirmed in an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday (August 18) that the capital of China, Russia and Yuan will attend the G20 summit held in Bali, Indonesia in November this year.

The Wall Street Journal said that meeting with Putin before meeting with Biden will issue a signal that Chinese officials are committed to strengthening Sino -Russian relations.Before Russia invaded Ukraine, Putin met with Chinese officials in Beijing in February and announced that the two countries deepened their strategic cooperation.


The Russian and Ukraine War broke out. The Chinese government has always maintained a neutral position and refused to condemn Russia, which invaded Ukraine.Putin has repeatedly stated that it opposes external forces to interfere with China's internal affairs in Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong.

Putin criticized Perosi to visit Taiwan at the Moscow International Security Conference this week. It is not only the personal behavior of irresponsible politicians, but also the public's public disrespect for other countries' sovereignty. "It is a carefully planned provocation."