(Morning News) According to a study by the US government, monkey acne virus can be attached to the surface of many common home items, but it is unclear whether this will lead to the spread of monkey acne.

Bloomberg reports that monkey acne is mainly transmitted by continuously in close contact with patients and directly contact the patient's lesions or respiratory discharge.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that two patients with acne patients who lived under the same roof said they disinfected the surface of the objects at home, washed their hands many times a day, and often took a bath.Nevertheless, researchers still found monkey acne virus in 70%of the high contact areas in the two people, including sofas, blankets, coffee machines, computer mouses and electric light switches.

However, researchers did not detect living viruses on any item or surface, which means that the risk of spreading the epidemic of monkey acne by these items is low.

According to the US CDC research, these two patients were infected with monkey acne in May; one of them had lesions in the genitals, hands, chests, lips and scalp, and the other's feet, legs and fingersDiseases occur.According to reports, the condition of the two lasted for about a month.

Another study of the US CDC shows that more than 90%of the cases of acne in the United States are related to recent male behavior.

This study shows that monkey acne virus can also be transmitted through liquid or patients, but it is unclear how much the indirect transmission of the surface of the contaminated object to play monkey acne virus.

The US CDC said that cleaning and disinfection may help reduce the home environment to be contaminated by monkey acne virus.In order to protect themselves in the family of patients with a monkey acne, they should continue to "wear a mask to avoid contact with the surface that may be contaminated, keep hands hygiene, avoid sharing tableware, clothes, bedding or towels with patients with acne, and follow the home environmentDisinfection suggestions. "