In response to large -scale military exercises around China in Taiwan, Kangda said: "This is some of the measures for mainland China to increase pressure on Taiwan. We expect these actions to continue in the next few weeks and months.. Strengthening the purpose of pressure on Taiwan is very clear, that is, intimidation and coercion, weaken Taiwan's toughness. "

(Washington Composite Electric) Kangda, assistant Secretary of State of the US State Department responsible for the Asia -Pacific affairs, said that mainland China expected to continue to increase its military, diplomacy and economy for Taiwan, and warned that this might cause misjudgments.

Daniel Kritenbrink said at the conference call on Wednesday (August 17) that the mainland used the US House of Representatives Perosi to visit Taiwan as an excuse to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait, which endangered regional peace.

Refers to the serious damage of Chinese words and deeds in Chinese words and deeds: or causing misjudgment

In response to large -scale military exercises around China in Taiwan, Kangda said: "This is some of the measures for mainland China to increase pressure on Taiwan. We expect these actions to continue in the next few weeks and months.. Strengthening the purpose of pressure on Taiwan is very clear, that is, intimidation and coercion, weaken Taiwan's toughness. "

He pointed out that the United States has clearly told China that the United States has remained unchanged in Taiwan, including still pursuing the "one China" policy and does not support Taiwan's independence.He said: "Our policy has not changed, and what has changed is the increasing coercion in China. China's words and deeds have severely damaged stability, which may lead to misjudgment and threaten the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."

Kangda emphasized that in each dialogue with China, the United States stated that the United States does not seek nor a crisis, and the communication channels for China and the United States are still open.

He also said that the U.S. Navy will continue the routine sailing mission in the Taiwan Strait."Faced with the continuous destructive approach in Beijing, we will continue to take calm and resolute measures to maintain peace and stability, and support Taiwan in accordance with our long -term policy. We will act with responsible, stable and firm attitude."

Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Ou Jiangan reiterated on Thursday (August 18) that the Taiwan Strait is the international waters. Taiwan understands and supports the United States to perform free navigation tasks in the Taiwan Strait, which will help promote the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait's safety and region.

China refers to the first -hand planning and provoking incidents in the United States

At the routine press conference on Wednesday, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pointed out the incident in the United States "one -handed planning and provoking".

He pointed out that Peross's indulgration to visit Taiwan in the U.S. government, which seriously violated China's sovereignty, seriously interfered in China's internal affairs, and seriously endangered the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

Wang Wenbin warned the United States not to act lightly to create a greater crisis.He also urged the United States to abide by the basic criteria for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries and the integrity of territorial territories, non -interference in the internal affairs of the internal affairs.

Experts: Mei Ruoco China Red Line Beijing may be milder, attitude

After Perosi, another US Congress delegation led by the Asia -Pacific Group of the US Senate Diplomacy and Democratic Senator Ed Markey also visited Taiwan.

Although the Chinese military also held exercises for Maki visiting Taiwan in Taiwan, the scale, firepower and duration were far less responding as Perosi when visiting Taiwan.

People who understand Chinese thinking told the Wall Street Journal that the two US Congress delegations caused different reactions to explain that Beijing is based on the premise of avoiding direct conflicts and based on the "offensive" level they feel.strength.

Some defense and political experts even believe that as long as the United States does not take the actions that are regarded by China as further "destruction", Beijing may seek opportunities to cool down in the next few months.

Song Wendi, a lecturer at the Asia -Pacific College of the National University of Australia, said: "China has intuitively and openly confirmed its red line. Once there is an appropriate atmosphere, it may take a gentle attitude.High, it will also cause unnecessary damage to China's own safety. "