(Washington Composite Electric) The Republican member of the United States warned that when the United States evacuated Afghanistan a year ago, it failed to withdraw priority to the security personnel who were familiar with Afghanistan.Safety constitutes a major risk.

Sunday (August 14) is the first anniversary of the Taliban occupation of Kabul. The report released by the Republican member of the Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives showed that in the evacuation operation from August 14 to 30 last year, 13 American soldiers wereHundreds of American citizens and tens of thousands of Afghanists were left, including hundreds of members of the Afghanistan elite troops and their families trained by the US military.

The report said that the Biden government has not given priority to withdrawing these former security personnel, which may make them still in the United States who are still in Afghanistan, including Russia, China, and Iran, or they are coercive to do things for these countries.Because these personnel are familiar with the strategy, technology and procedures of the US military and intelligence agencies, this may constitute a "threat of major country security" for the United States.


Report also said that this possibility is particularly worrying that some former Afghan military personnel have fled to Iran.

Bayeng government said that the evacuation of Afghanistan was "extraordinary success."The report provides new details about the evacuation operation in conjunction with the testimony of the National Association Hearing, the military report, and the media report, including the advice of worshiping the Dengtan government to ignore the US commanders, the unpleasant formulation of the evacuation plan, and the violation of the peace signed by Taliban in 2020The agreement is gone.

The report said that it was only a few hours before Taliban captured Kabul, and the Bayeng government made some key decisions, such as asking other countries to set up a transfer center for Afghan evacuations.This highlights the preparation of the United States that almost no Taliban may occupy Afghanistan or the required evacuation operation.

Women who have lost their right and personal space for women in the first anniversary of Taliban

To commemorate the first anniversary of Afghanistan, the Taliban set Sunday as a national holiday, but for many Afghan civilians, especially women, there is nothing worth celebrating this day.

Taliban promises to be committed to peace and respect for women's rights, but women are more restricted.Tens of thousands of girls were rejected outside the door by local middle schools, and many adult women were banned from returning to government positions.In May this year, Taliban also ordered women to cover her body in public.Some women held protest rally on Kabul on Saturday (August 13).In order to disperse the demonstrators, the Taliban warrior fired at the air and even hit someone.

Kabul's female resident Amer said: "From the day of the Taliban, life has lost its meaning. Everything is taken away, and they even invade our personal space."

Afghanistan pointed out that the violent incidents of Taliban did not have less violent incidents, but the continuous humanitarian crisis deepened their suffering.Muhammad, who runs a store in Kandaha, said: "Customers are constantly complaining that the price is too high, so that our owners have begun to hate themselves."