Regional diplomats and security analysts believe that the PLA has carried out military exercises for more than a week, which allows the United States and allies to have the opportunity to collect intelligence and study China in any future invasion.And command, control and communication system.Some analysts believe that Beijing hopes to prove that it has made great military progress in recent years.

(Hong Kong / Washington Reuters) Reuters reports that Mainland China recently launched a military exercise in the surrounding areas of Taiwan to issue unprecedented political and military warnings on the external interference in Taiwan.However, some analysts believe that Beijing officials may not be afraid of showing military strength, but also hope to prove that it has made great military progress in recent years.

In the military exercise of the Chinese People's Liberation Army for more than a week, the Navy, Air Force, Rocket Army, strategic support forces, and joint service forces were dispatched to launch simulation drills for force attacks.

Regional diplomats and security analysts believe that this gives the United States and allies the opportunity to collect intelligence, studying China in the future of any invasion to repel the missiles of foreign troops, as well as command, control and communication systems.

Xu Ruilin, a researcher at the Institute of National Defense and Strategy, Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore, pointed out that in addition to weapons, China's military exercise provided an excellent opportunity for the United States to monitor the reform of the East Eastern of the Chinese PLA after the reform.The key military power such as theater, as well as the key military forces such as Rockets and strategic support forces, how to perform together in a fully coordinated and integrated manner.

Xu Ruilin said in an interview with Reuters: "I expect that the United States will collect signals, communications and electronic information from all directions. This is an excellent opportunity to be missed." He added: "After collecting these data, he said:" After collecting these dataYou can find the other party’s weaknesses and create your own counterattack and interference system. "

Experts expect that Japan and Taiwan will also participate in intelligence collection work

During the launch of military exercises in mainland China in the surrounding area of Taiwan, the US Department of Defense immediately ordered the aircraft carrier of the Western Pacific Philippines to stay in the waters around Taiwan to monitor the development.Security analysts and former intelligence officials pointed out that in addition to the United States, submarines and advanced reconnaissance planes in Japan and Taiwan are also expected to participate in intelligence collection.

The Pacific Command of the United States and India does not respond to the issue of information collection in this region.

China cannot show the best tactics and strategy in the exercise

Two US officers acknowledged to Reuters that the United States is indeed collecting information, but they point out that these exercises are unlikely to provide too deep information because China is unlikely to show the most in exercises that have received close attention.Good tactics and strategies.

One of the anonymous officials said that most of the systems and missiles used in China have been known to the United States and allies, so it is unclear how many new information can be collected from military exercises.

But some analysts believe that the military head of mainland China may not be afraid of showing, and they have the ability to conduct comprehensive operations.

Carl Schuster, former director of the United Intelligence Center of the U.S. Pacific Command, said: "At least we still have to observe and monitor how China think of this military exercise. I think they want to let us see that this is not 10 years.Former PLA, they wanted us to know how much they made. "