(Colombo Comprehensive) The Sri Lanka government approved the controversial Chinese inspection ship "Yuanwang 5" on Saturday (August 13) and stopped at a port near the Indian border in the south.

China Yuanwang No. 5 was originally scheduled to stop on August 11 at Hambantota, Sri Lanka, but was opposed by neighbors India, because it was worried that the investigating ship might take the opportunity to spay India's military intelligence.The Langka government demanded that Yuanwang 5 will postpone the time of arriving in Hong Kong, but did not explain when the exhibition was postponed.

However, the Langka Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Saturday that it was allowed to stop at the port of Hantan Tota from August 16th to 22nd.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement that the government made the above decision after "conducting extensive consultations with senior officials with relevant parties through diplomatic channels, including seeking further information and information".

Although the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is allowed to inspect the ships on the shore, the Langka Foreign Ministry stated that the Yuanwang 5 must not conduct scientific research in the Langka waters.Open the state.

Statement emphasized that Langka's policy is to cooperate with all countries and maintain friendly relations."The intention of Sri Lanka is to protect the legitimate interests of all countries and obey international obligations."

The person in charge of the port of Langka Silva Pai Shi has received documents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for approval of Yuanwang 5 to stop at the port of Hantan Tota.

Hangban Tota is located in the capital of Hanban, southern Langka Province, nearly the main routes from Asia to Europe.The port built by this $ 1.5 billion (about S $ 27 billion) caused controversy, mainly because India was worried that it would be used by China as a military base in the Indian backyard.

Langka more than 10 years ago, a large number of borrowers from China was built to build infrastructure, but some of them were criticized without actual use, including Hangban Tota.

This port began operations in 2012, but Langkyin was unable to repay the loan. In 2017, the strategic Hong Kong port was given to Chinese enterprises to operate by the 1999 lease.

India has always held doubts about China's promotion of activities and influence in the Indian Ocean.Although China shows that Yuanwang No. 5 is a space measurement ship, Indian media said that it is a dual -use spy ship that can be used as a space and satellite positioning tracking, and it has a specific purpose in the intercontinental ballistic missile launch. ThereforeThe Langca administration allowed the ship to protest against the port.

However, India denied pressure on Langka.The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday (August 12) that Langka is a sovereign country and can make relevant decisions independently.However, India also shows that it will pay close attention to "any impact on India's security and economic benefits and take all necessary measures to protect it."