The global research carried out by the University of Rogers listed six nuclear battle scenes. The most serious of which was the comprehensive nuclear war that broke out in the United States and Russia, which may eliminate more than half of the population of the earth.

(Washington Comprehensive) Research reports from the University of Rogers in the United States show that the global famine caused by modern nuclear war will lead to as many as 5 billion people.The number of people who died in nuclear dust covered the sun was far higher than the number of victims of the nuclear explosion.

The global research carried out by Rutgers University (Rutgers University) lists six nuclear battle scenes. The most serious of which is the comprehensive nuclear war that erupted by the United States and Russia, which may eliminate more than half of the population of the earth.The report has been published in the latest issue of Nature Food.

Nuclear war in the United States and Russia may lead to a decrease in crop output by 90 %

Researchers' estimation of the destructive power of nuclear warfare is based on the sea of fire caused by nuclear explosion, and how many ash will be obtained from the atmosphere.They also use climate prediction tools of the National NATO Research Center (NCAR) to estimate the productivity of major crops (corn, rice, wheat and soybean) in different countries one by one.


report pointed out that even a small -scale nuclear conflict, such as the war between India and Pakistan, may also reduce crop harvesting by 7 % within five years.In contrast, the US -Russian nuclear war can lead to a decrease of 90 % in three or four years.

The report said that the production of crops in the middle and high latitude countries is the most serious, including major exporters such as Russia and the United States, which may cause export restrictions and cause serious damage to countries that Africa and the Middle East rely on grain imports.Researchers have also studied the expected changes in livestock ranch and global marine fisheries.

Researchers also calculate the use of crops that are used in animal feed, or reduce whether food waste can offset the losses caused by the outbreak of the nuclear war.Food is insignificant.

Bloomberg reported that the above studies were carried out after Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov warned in April that there was a "serious" risk of nuclear warfare worldwide.

Scholars: Ban nuclear weapons are the only long -term solution

The co -author of the report and the professor of the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Rogers said: "The data tells us one thing is that we must prevent the nuclear war."

Roobak said that researchers have mastered enough information, knowing that any scale of nuclear warfare will destroy the global grain system and kill billions of people.

He said: "Since there are nuclear weapons, they can be used, and the earth has been approaching nuclear war several times. Therefore, it is the only long -term solution for nuclear weapons.Support, but nine nine -holding countries have not joined. Our research shows that it is time to sign the opinions of science and other countries in the nine countries and sign this treaty. "

Lili XIA, assistant research professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rogers University, is the main author of this research.Xia Lili said that they will next more subtle changes brought by the nuclear war of crop models."For example, the ozone layer will be heated and damaged by the flat stratum, and more ultraviolet radiation is generated on the surface. We need to understand the impact of this food supply."

The research led by the University of Rogers is jointly carried out with scholars from all over the world. These scholars come from Barcelona Autonomous University, Louisiana University University, Potsdam Climate Institute of Climate Institute, Institute of Ghodad of the United States,Columbia University, National Atmospheric Research Center, University of Colorado, Barde University, and Queensland University of Science and Technology in Australia.