Bain Consulting estimates that it will increase the US chip production capacity by 5%to 10%, which will take about $ 40 billion in funds.$ 100 million in funds.At present, mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, etc. are dominated by the semiconductor manufacturing industry. It is still unknown whether just 52 billion US dollars can help the United States change.

(Washington Composite Electric) US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that she hopes that the chip bill signed by President Biden can drive up to 400 billion US dollars (about 747.8 billion yuan) investment.

Raymond Multi -August (August 10) said in an interview with Bloomberg: "Our goal is to maximize interests, hoping that this is enough to attract private enterprises to invest 200 billion to 400 billion US dollars."

She pointed out that a one -and -a -half -year chip bill passed the level to send an important information, that is, semiconductor operators should invest in the United States, rather than in Asia or Europe.

Bynden signed a milematic chip and scientific bill on Tuesday to provide US $ 52.7 billion subsidies for the production and research of the United States, and at the same time, it is necessary to improve the ability of the United States to compete with China in the field of science and technology.

Semiconductor chips or chips are currently produced in Taiwan, mainland China and South Korea.The popularity of crown diseases has caused discontinuation of chip supply. After factory shutdown and goods are broken, chip production has become the focus of China and the United States.

Analysis article by the United States CNN (CNN) pointed out that China and the United States have become more and more competitive in the field of science and technology in recent years, and the competition areas and scope have become increasing.Core components have also become a new battlefield in the two countries.

China has been a major manufacturing country for technology products for many years, including American companies including Apple, Google and Microsoft for a long time to rely on China's respective products and components of these products.A recent analysis released by the Washington Think Tank Strategy and Budget Evaluation Center pointed out that China has always attacked the city in the global semiconductor market. At present, it has become the world's largest country in the field of packaging and testing.Four.

CNN quoted data reports from the semiconductor industry association, the restrictions of the United States' implementation of some large semiconductor companies such as SMIC, which prompted Beijing to increase the development of the domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry.In 2020, sales of China's semiconductor market increased by 30%to $ 40 billion.

However, China's strict control measures have been implemented due to the rebound of the epidemic this year, which has led to the fact that the factory has discontinued production and supply chain to break, and further exacerbates the shortage of global chips.At present, Europe and the United States are seeking a more balanced layout to reduce excessive dependence on Chinese production.

U.S. experts point out that because there are different levels of technical and special knowledge, it is necessary to fully realize the self -sufficiency and self -sufficiency in chip manufacturing.

The Digital Learning Laboratory of the Digital Learning Laboratory of the Washington Think Tank Council of the Washington Think Tank Tibet said that after the signing of the chip bill into laws in the United States, many companies will increase their investment in the semiconductor industry.It is not easy to replace China.

She analyzed: "The current advantage of China is to adopt a unified strategy to provide technology and key infrastructure to countries with demand. The United States and other democratic countries also need to formulate a strategy around technology, not only focusing on competition with China, but also targeting ChinaActual needs, actively provide real solutions. "

Bain Consulting estimates that it is necessary to increase the capacity of the US chip 5%to 10%, which will take about $ 40 billion in funds. In the next 10 years, the United States will cost about $ 110 billion in chip investment in the next 10 years.At present, mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, etc. are dominated by the semiconductor manufacturing industry. It is still unknown whether $ 52 billion can help the United States change.

Professor Yu Miaojie, deputy dean of the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency that whether the industrial policy of the United States can work on the two points, the first China is countermeasure, and the second strength is enough.He pointed out that the semiconductor industry from R & D investment to output, or it takes several years, and input output ratio is unknown. The United States needs to continue to expand financial support for key departments and key links.It has also expanded special financial support, and it is difficult for the United States to gain competitive advantages and laborious.

In other words, whether the 52 billion US dollars can change the global semiconductor industry pattern, premise in China.If China returns teeth with teeth, and then invests similar to 50 billion US dollars or more funds in semiconductor companies, the United States may not have achieved their goals.