(Tokyo Composite Electric) Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Hyoshi hopes to save the support rate by reorganizing the cabinet, but it cannot achieve the expected results.The results of many polls show that the concerns of Japanese voters' concerns about the relationship between the ruling party and the unified religion have not alleviated.

The polls carried out on August 10 and 11 showed that 55 % of the respondents believed that Kishida's response was insufficient; comparison of polls from August 5th to 7th, the overall as a wholeThe support rate fell six percentage points to 51 %.

The survey of Nikkei News found that up to 86 % of the respondents showed that reorganization of the cabinet could not eliminate their concerns about the ruling party and the unified religion.

The support rate of cabinet after reorganization usually increases, and the survey results are rare.In response to the poll results, the cabinet secretary chief Matsuna Matsuna said that the government will listen carefully to the people's opinions and respond.

The former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated, and detonated a series of issues related to the connection between former cabinet members and the unified church, which prompted Kishida Kua Dao to cut messages and achieve a "big blood change".

Analysis believes that Kishida's reorganization is mainly to appease and balance factions to promote the unity of the whole party.However, the new cabinet announced on Wednesday (10th) on Wednesday (10th), of which six cabinets were exploded and related to unified education.Kishida stated earlier that it was necessary to conduct a strict review of the cabinet to ensure that the second reorganization of the cabinet will not be entangled with unified teaching issues.However, after the new cabinet was announced, it was still caught by the Japanese media.

According to the survey of the Nikkei News, in the reason for the "not praised" of the members of the new cabinet, the first place is "the left and right of the factional intention" (20 %), followed by "give people an unknown innocence"Impression" (19 %), "No Young Pai" (14 %).

From the perspective of the support rate of political parties, the Liberal Democratic Party is 46 %, the Japanese Restoration will be 13 %, and the constitutional Democratic Party is 9 %.%, 7 %, 24 %.

Japan commented that the relationship between the unified education and the Liberal Democratic Party can be traced back to the 1960s of the Liberal Democratic Party's founding of the party. Abe's grandfather Kishimo and the unified religion have a close relationship, which does not rule out that many Liberal Democratic Party members are affected.If you can only let the members who have nothing to do with the unified teaching, Kishida may not be able to form a cabinet.