(Washington Comprehensive) The White House said that the Bayeng government is about to announce the details of trade negotiations with Taiwan.This may further exacerbate the tension caused by the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi after visiting Taiwan.

The White House Indo -Pacific Affairs coordinator Campbell told the media on Friday (August 12) that the White House will announce a roadmap formulated for the US -Taiwan trade negotiations within a few days.

He said: "We will continue to deepen our relationship with Taiwan in accordance with a Chinese policy, including continuing to promote each other's economic and trade relations. We are developing an ambitious trade negotiation roadmap.God announced. "

The US Trade Representative announced in June this year that the "Taiwan -American 21st Century Trade Initiative" will be launched and will formulate a negotiating roadmap."" ".

Analysis pointed out that for Taiwan, this may come at the time, because after Perosi visited Taiwan, Beijing launched a series of revenge measures, including the ban on the import of Taiwan.

Campbell said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is consistent with the existing policies of the United States, and China is an "excessive response" as an excuse to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait.

He said: "We oppose any party to unilaterally changing the status quo, and we do not support Taiwan's independence. We look forward to the differences between the two sides of the strait can be solved in a peaceful way."

He said that China's provocation has not ended, and many Chinese ships are around Taiwan. It is expected that this situation will continue for several weeks or even a few months;In the next few weeks, crossing the Taiwan Strait and fulfilling freedom of navigation.

Campbell reiterated the speech by Secretary of State Brills last week, saying that the United States would communicate with China and called on Beijing to re -open key communication channels with Washington.

There are two major international conferences at the end of the year, but there are no details

U.S. President Biden and Chinese officials recently held a telephone talks, saying that they had instructed to arrange a physical summit.Campbell did not respond directly to whether they would be held at the G20 summit or the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC) Summit (APEC).

The Wall Street Journal was quoted on Friday (12th) that Chinese officials were preparing to meet with Biden during the Southeast Asia during the visit of Chinese officials in November this year.Later APEC Summit held in Bangkok, Thailand.