chip bill provides US $ 52.7 billion for US semiconductor research and development, manufacturing and labor development.Among them, US $ 39 billion will be used for incentive measures for semiconductor manufacturing, and 2 billion US dollars are used for traditional chips used by automobiles and defense systems.

(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden Biden signed a milestone chip and scientific bill on Tuesday (August 9) to provide subsidies for USD $ 52.7 billion (about S $ 72.1 billion) for US semiconductor production and research. At the same time,It is necessary to improve the ability of the United States to compete with China in the field of science and technology.

Bayeng said at the signature ceremony held in the White House, "It will be made in the United States in the future" and said that this measure is "an investment of a generation of people in the United States."

Biden said that although the design and research and development of the United States have remained leading, only 10%of the world's semiconductors in the world are produced in the United States.The interruption of the supply chain caused by the crown disease has pushed up the cost of American families and individuals."We create these chips in the United States to reduce daily costs and create employment opportunities." It assists the United States to "win the 21st century economic competition."

He said that the bill will provide funds for the entire semiconductor supply chain in the United States and promote the key investment of the chip industry for research and development.The bill requires any chip companies that accept US government funds to manufacture their research and development technology in the United States.This means "investing in the United States, developing in the United States, and making in the United States."

Biden inspected the Javelin's anti -tank missile production base, and said that the bill will allow the United States to no longer rely on other countries to supply advanced chips required by these weapons systems and other products."Unfortunately, we do not produce these advanced chips at all, and China is trying to seize the opportunity and produce these advanced chips. No wonder the CCP actively lobby American companies against this bill. The United States must lead the world in the production of advanced chips."

According to a statement issued by the White House on the same day, the chip bill provides US $ 52.7 billion for US semiconductor research and development, manufacturing and labor development.Among them, US $ 39 billion will be used for incentive measures for semiconductor manufacturing, and 2 billion US dollars are used for traditional chips used by automobiles and defense systems.In addition, companies that establish chip factories in the United States will get 25%tax cuts.


Act also authorized to invest 200 billion US dollars to promote scientific research in the United States to better compete with China.However, Congress must provide funds for these investment through separate funding legislation.

The White House said that the government's commitment to support the high -tech industry has attracted large -scale private investment, and only about $ 50 billion in new semiconductor investment.The largest share is the plan to invest 40 billion U.S. dollars for domestic expansion by 2030.Qualcomm will cooperate with Global Foundries to reach a $ 4.2 billion agreement to produce chips.

The US semiconductor giant Intel President Gesinger said the bill may be the most important industrial policy in the United States since World War II.

But analyst Mocht said that the bill is not as large as the outside world imagined. A advanced chip manufacturer may spend more than $ 10 billion in funds, and the fund distribution will be insignificant.

TSMC and Samsung Electronics chip manufacturers plan to build factories in Arizona and Texas, respectively, and are expected to begin production of advanced chips in 2024.

US media said that this shows that the United States will bring the vital chip production side back to the domestic determination. The United States will also be committed to reducing the dependence of Asian economies such as Asian chip manufacturers such as Taiwan and South Korea, and obtain fundsThe company must promise not to increase the production of advanced chips in China.

With the recent victory of the Biden government, the latest polls announced by the Reuters / Epusso showed that the support rate of Biden has risen to the highest level since the beginning of June, and 40 % of the investigation has been investigated.The performance of Biden's performance is that this is still a historical low compared with previous US presidents.

However, in the past three weeks, the support rates of Biden have risen every week, which may ease Democrats' concerns about the defeat in the mid -November election.