(Seoul Composite Electric) South Korea on Thursday (August 11) shows that the deployment of the Thaad missile defense system is for self -defense, and this "forever" will not be a problem that can be negotiated.

Senior officials in the South Korean President's Office said on the same day that Sad's anti -missile system is a self -defense method that can ensure that national life and property security are not threatened by North Korean nuclear guidance. It is related to national security sovereignty and cannot be compromised.

China and South Korea's foreign ministers held talks on Tuesday (August 9), and the two sides agreed that the problem of Sade should be avoided as a stumbling block that affects cooperation between the two countries.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs later said that the deployment of Sade in South Korea has obviously damaged China's strategic security interests. China has repeatedly stated concerns about the South Korean government. The South Korean government has also officially made a "three unlimited" policy declaration.

The so -called "three unlimited limits" refers to that the Korean side does not increase the deployment of Sade, does not form the South Korean -American and Japanese military alliance, does not participate in the US missile defense system, and restricts the actual use of existing Sade.

In this regard, South Korea said that it is understanding the intention of the Chinese side.Officials from Qingwatai pointed out that South Korea has repeatedly stated that "Sad Three" is not an agreement or agreement reached by South Korea and China, but only the position of the previous government.

The official also revealed that it is expected that the Sada Base in South Korea, Singzhou County, Gyeongshang, will return to normal operation at the end of the month.

South Korea ’s Central Daily commented that in 2017, the official Wen Zaiyin government introduced China’ s “Sad Sanfu” position to the Chinese side, but this was not a commitment or agreement.Today, China advocates that this is a promise between the two countries, and for the first time listed the "one -limit" policy of South Korea's public oath, it is expected to launch new fire species for bilateral contradictions.

Jin Zhenhao, a professor at the Department of Political Foreign Foreign Foreign Affairs of Tan Guo University, believes that China talks about the "three unlimited limits" one day after the end of the China -Korea Foreign Minister's talks, and it is intended to show to the Yin Xiyue government that China will not make concessions on the issue of Sad.

Kang Jirong, a professor at the Graduate School of the International Regional College of Foreign Languages University, said: "China does not hesitate to target Sad and other issues that are directly related to South Korea's security sovereignty. It is clear that measures should be taken to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings between the two countries in the future."