The US Congress has the right to show its support for the country and the democratic system that is regarded as friends.According to the Taiwan Relations Law, Taiwan is our friend.We go to Taiwan to change the policy.We still support a Chinese policy.We go there to acknowledge the status quo of this policy.There is no destructive at all.

-Proosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives

(Washington Composite Electric) Perosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said that the US Congress will not be scared by China's strong response to her, nor will China beolate Taiwan, but she also shows that she still supports "A China "policy.

Pelosi was interviewed by Microsoft's National Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC) on Tuesday (August 9) that Chinese officials have no right to control the schedule of US members, "we will not become the accomplices of his isolation in Taiwan."

In response to her large -scale military exercise in Beijing for a long time to respond to her Taiwan trip, Pelosi said: "I think China's official situation is currently fragile, and he is facing domestic economic issues. His behavior is like a frightened bully (Scared Bully). "

Pelosi showed on the same day on the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) program: "US members of the United States have the right to show support for countries and democracy that are regarded as friends. According to the Taiwan Relations Law, Taiwan is our friend."

She emphasized: "We go to Taiwan, not to change the policy. We still support a Chinese policy. We go there to acknowledge the current situation of this policy. There is no destructive at all." Although China has upgraded its military operations in the Taiwan Strait, Perosi believes that Taiwan's trip is still worth it.

The Asia -Pacific country was suddenly forced to choose the border station

Bloomberg analysis article pointed out that Pelosi visited Taiwan with information conveying the United States' "firm and unshakable" for Asia -Pacific support, but it may split Asia, so that the Bayeng government wants to unite countries to block China's efforts to block China.Fast.

Analysis pointed out that China ’s high -profile showing force around Taiwan usually causes widespread condemnation, but because many countries believe that Perosi’ s visit to Taiwan is a fire and do not want to be sandwiched in the middle. ThereforeMost other security partners in the United States in the Asia -Pacific region are silent.South Korean leaders have left the visit to Perosi, and India has not said, and Southeast Asian countries have reiterated that they only recognize "one China".

Shahriman Lockman, a senior researcher at the Malaysia Strategy and International Research Institute, pointed out: "Most Southeast Asian countries believe that it is a provocation of the United States, which leads to an excessive reaction that China can be fully foresee.Continuously hedge your betting. No one knows, who's actions may cause the next crisis of Sino -US relations. "

In order to win Asian countries to curb China's influence, the Bayeng government has previously told small economies that they do not have to choose between China and the United States.However, with Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, Asian countries were suddenly forced to choose a side station on a highly sensitive Taiwan issue.

Asianan called on a statement to appeal to all parties to maintain restraint to the greatest extent and reiterate the support of the "one China" policy.Alexander Neill, a geopolitical risk consultant, pointed out that this shows that the Southeast Asian countries are worried about the economic situation in the Taiwan Strait.He said that there are many countries that support a Chinese policy, which is a "tasting stone" for Beijing's rapid growth in Asia.

As one of the members of the Quartet dialogue mechanism, India has remained silent.Sana Hashmi, a postdoctoral researcher at the Taiwan Asian Exchange Foundation, said: "No response is also a response. It feels that India is avoiding the statement."

Li Chengxian, a visiting scholar at Harvard University Fei Zhengqing China Research Center, pointed out that Perosi visited Taiwan to highlight the chaos of the US policy.He said: "The United States lacks coherence and clarity in the policy of China. This makes the allies be able to touch it."