Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Saka accelerated the reorganization of the cabinet and adjusted the executives of the ruling party. It was scheduled to announce the new personnel deployment on Wednesday (August 10) to respond to the changes in the situation at home and abroad.

The Kishida Leading Liberal Democratic Party won the cabinet at the end of August or early September after the Senate election on July 10.However, recently there have been unexpected factors in Japan and outside Japan, which has accelerated his action.These factors include the assassination of the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and the balance of the internal power of the Liberal Democratic Party suddenly changed; the situation of the Taiwan Strait suddenly changed, and the surrounding security situation in Japan heated up.

Kishida Tuesday (August 9) said at a press conference held in Nagasaki: "The cabinet reorganization and the appointment of the Liberal Democratic Party cadres will be focused on the unity of the government and the ruling party.Including the response to crown disease, high prices, economic situations, and the situation in the Taiwan Strait. We are now facing the most difficult moments at home and abroad at home and abroad.

Nikkei News pointed out that the largest faction of the party in the party currently has no heads of dragons. Kanada's personnel mobilization must take into account the integration within the party to ensure that it is conducive to promoting policies.The Minister of Economy and Industry, Takada Katsui, has been finalized and will take over the policy coordination chairman of the three major leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party that Gao City.The Abe faction is Antian's close friend, and Gao Shi is Abe's female love general.In addition to strong political ability, Putian also shot with Kishida. Kishida can communicate with Abe in the future.

The media also pointed out that the Abe's assassination incident led the Abe faction. Many Congress members were associated with the extreme church "World Peace and Unified Family Federation" (referred to as "unified education"), which had a negative impact on the Liberal Democratic Party.Another purpose of the cabinet and personnel deployment of the cabinet and the party is to eliminate the connection within the party.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), after the exposure of Abe and the unified religion has a special relationship, the support rate of Kishida Cabinet has deteriorated.Kishida is also a focus on how Kishida eliminates and unified education related to the unified education.Kyodo News also said that many people in the Liberal Democratic Party believe that personnel adjustments are to break through the situation of declining public opinion support.

The party known to stay in office must include the party consultant, Makotaro, and the director of Mamura Mumin; the members of the cabinet who stayed in office include Cabinet Secretary -General Matsno Boichi, Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng, and Treasury Minister Suzuki Junichi.

For strategic considerations, Fang Changan Xinfu will be replaced

The main resignation of the resignation includes the Minister of Defense Kishidu, as well as the Minister of Agriculture Kim Toro, who has ended the term of the Senate, and the chairman of the National Public Safety Commission Er Ye Tomo.

The Japanese media quoted the news that Kishida would replace him on the grounds of the poor health of Kishiku.Due to the tight situation of the Taiwan Strait, such decision -making is interpreted as a certain strategic consideration.However, if you change the shore, he will inevitably make conservatives restless and dissatisfied.

Production Sankei Shimbun pointed out that Kishiku is the most trusted Japanese defense general in the United States and Taiwan. He was replaced and would be considered to be unfavorable to security.

As for who will take over as the defense chief, the conservatives have already let go, and support Gao City Sae Miao into the cabinet to serve as the Defense Minister.

Another report said that Kishida was ready to let the non -faction in the party served as the Defense Minister.He served as the Prime Minister in 2008 when he was the Prime Minister.

Fuji Evening News quoted the news that Futian Daff, who has a manpower Abe in the Liberal Democratic Party.His father, Futian Kangfu, is a "pro -Chinese". If he takes over by him, he may issue an error signal.

(Reporter is a joint association in Lianhe Morning News)