(Tokyo Composite Electric) The 77th anniversary event of the atomic bomb explosion on Tuesday (August 9), Japan, Japan, and Konaka Kohisuke Nagasaki pointed out at the meeting that Russia invaded Ukraine"" ".

On August 9, 1945, the first three days after the United States dropped the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan, Nagasaki was bombed by the atomic bomb, causing 74,000 people to die.

This nuclear explosion survivor and foreign dignitaries were silent in Nagasaki at 11:02 in the public on Tuesday at 11 am. This was the time when the atomic bomb fell in this port city.

Tian Shangfu said in his speech: "In January of this year, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and Chinese leaders issued a joint statement, indicating that there is no winner in the nuclear war and must not launch a nuclear war.Ukraine, and said to use nuclear weapons to make the world shudder ... The use of nuclear weapons is no longer a laser fear ', but has become a "practical current crisis'."

He pointed out that any misjudgment, failure or terrorist attack may lead to the use of nuclear weapons.He believes that, instead of launching war, humans should cultivate a "peace culture", spread trust and respect, and seek solutions through dialogue.