Liu Jianchao: Chinese in Southeast Asia should be loyal to the country
Liu Jianchao: Chinese in Southeast Asia should be loyal to the country
Liu Jianchao, Minister of Foreign Liaison of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that no matter what kind of cultural background is, from national identity, every Southeast Asian Chinese should be loyal to the countr...
2024-07-21 16:55:55
Comment: The poll reversed Bayeng's "Blue Wall" state that he needed to be re -el
Comment: The poll reversed Bayeng's "Blue Wall" state that he needed to be re -el
Source: Bloomberg Author: Gregory Korte U.S. President Joe Biden's support is in the seven key swing states to catch up with the Republican candidate Donald Trump, and at least two states are healthy.This is also the strongest stand in the...
2024-07-21 16:55:52
Comment: Relaxation of China's real estate market regulation and relaxation expec
Comment: Relaxation of China's real estate market regulation and relaxation expec
Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency Reporter: Ye Yongcheng Pan Gongsheng, president of the People's Bank of China (central bank), pointed out in Beijing to attend the China Development High -level Forum 2024 Annual Meeting that there ha...
2024-07-21 16:55:50
<b>Yang Jun: Why did Russia make mistakes again?</b>
Yang Jun: Why did Russia make mistakes again?
The international community should stand up bravely to stand up and say: It's time for Russia to stop war and shake hands!It's time to discuss how to withdraw from Ukraine relatively decently to achieve peace!It's time to think about the po...
2024-07-21 16:55:47
<b>Xiang Jun: Milan is the white -eyed wolf of Sino -A -A -relationships?</b>
Xiang Jun: Milan is the white -eyed wolf of Sino -A -A -relationships?
After Javier Milei as the president of Argentina in December last year, Argentina's foreign policy changes can be divided into two levels: international relations and China -Arab relations. Milai's international view is mainly manifested in...
2024-07-21 16:55:44
Wu Jungang: Trojan Trojan, Ma Qian died and chess pieces
Wu Jungang: Trojan Trojan, Ma Qian died and chess pieces
The disadvantaged people in society should not be used as a pawn, and it can be said that it is simply immoral.The situation of this couple is compassionate, trying to help them be praised. If they only use them as political shells, they ca...
2024-07-21 16:55:42
Society: Ling the inflation worries
Society: Ling the inflation worries
The rise of prices in Singapore has slowed down in February after January, and the increase is higher than market expectations.Although this is only a phenomenon caused by the seasons of the New Year of the lunar calendar. It is not necessa...
2024-07-21 16:55:39
Comment: The bankers in Hong Kong's former aggressive issues have become lost gen
Comment: The bankers in Hong Kong's former aggressive issues have become lost gen
Source: Bloomberg Author: Chen Lulu, Denise Wee Eric Li was originally hired by the family financial management room. As the employer moved away from Hong Kong, he was unemployed. He knew he would face a severe employment market.What he did...
2024-07-21 16:55:36
<b>How can China's "new productive productivity" solve economic difficulties?</b>
How can China's "new productive productivity" solve economic difficulties?
The highest level of the Chinese government is vigorously promoting a plan to solve the problem of stagnation of China's economic stagnation and offset the harm caused by the decades of real estate bubbles. The plan has a new slogan, namely...
2024-07-21 16:55:32
Comment: Did the Chinese have lost interest in iPhone?
Comment: Did the Chinese have lost interest in iPhone?
Over the years, Apple has been dominated by China's high -end smartphone market.Compared with the performance of the iPhone, other companies are not competitive than the performance of the iPhone, or in the eyes of rich, well -known shopper...
2024-07-21 15:36:02
Liu Weicheng: Voice of Strings of Malaysia "Allah" storm
Liu Weicheng: Voice of Strings of Malaysia "Allah" storm
Sudan Ibrahim's on the surface is strictly reprimanded in business and enterprises, but this is actually an attempt to knock on the mountain rulers.The National Palace to strictly handle the ordered business -enterprise involved in the busi...
2024-07-21 15:35:59
Chen Liujun: Chinese football is a "three -free product"
Chen Liujun: Chinese football is a "three -free product"
The Chinese National Men's Football Team tied the Singapore team 2-2 on the evening of March 21, ending another round of World Cup qualifiers. As a result, Chinese fans fell into despair again.It is not that Singapore cannot win. They shoul...
2024-07-21 15:35:56
He Yue: The British redefine "extremism" to respond
He Yue: The British redefine "extremism" to respond
In the past few months, the British police have shown that the government's protection speech and the freedom of parade, and its high independence controlled by the government, surprised me. Since October last year, since the Harbin Turbus,...
2024-07-21 15:35:53
Chen Shiming: When is the problem of inflation in the United States?
Chen Shiming: When is the problem of inflation in the United States?
In order to control the inflation, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to the highest level since 2007.President Powell finally hinted at the beginning of the month that the goal of controlling inflation is about to be achieved, a...
2024-07-21 15:35:50
Han Heyuan: The development of new quality productivity must also respect the creative
Han Heyuan: The development of new quality productivity must also respect the creative
Recently, the term "new productive productivity" has been popular in China, which is regarded as one of the strategic breakthroughs that drive the Chinese economy.This is the keywords of the two sessions of China this year. As a government...
2024-07-21 15:35:48