Comments: The more enthusiastic the inflation, the cool, the colder the biddeng, and t
Comments: The more enthusiastic the inflation, the cool, the colder the biddeng, and t
Source: Bloomberg Author: Justin Sink, Christopher Condon The November election is getting closer and closer, but the inflation data has brought a double blow to the political prospects of President Joe Biden for three consecutive months.Wo...
2024-07-31 07:33:00
Qi Dongtao: The background and influence of Xi Ma I Second
Qi Dongtao: The background and influence of Xi Ma I Second
Xi Jinping should hope that Xi Ma can show his determination, patience and hope for peace and unity to the domestic and international community.However, because Ma Ying -jeou's identity and influence could not be compared with the first Xi...
2024-07-31 07:32:57
Wang Qingmin: The Korean Congress Election Dollow Yin Xiyue's advantage
Wang Qingmin: The Korean Congress Election Dollow Yin Xiyue's advantage
The new Congress of South Korea elected 300 members on April 10.According to the results of the invoicing on the 11th, the Korean progress camp in the wild won, and the common Democratic Party and the Friendship Party won nearly 175 seats,...
2024-07-31 07:32:54
Li Yanzhou: New Matai can form a "Schengen District" prototype first
Li Yanzhou: New Matai can form a "Schengen District" prototype first
Recently, in order to attract more foreign tourists who have stayed for a long time, the Thai government refers to the idea of ​​the EU Schengen Zone, and is jointly developed a plan to jointly develop a joint visa plan with Cambodia, L...
2024-07-31 07:32:51
Society: Be wary of "green protectionism" to look up
Society: Be wary of "green protectionism" to look up
U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen recently visited China and emphasized the "overcapacity" problem in China.She named the new three industries of China's foreign trade -photovoltaic products, electric vehicles, and lithium batteries for the Uni...
2024-07-31 06:13:27
Comments: The gold price is inexplicable, the market is still looking for answers
Comments: The gold price is inexplicable, the market is still looking for answers
Source: Bloomberg Author: Mark Burton, Jack Ryan, Yvonne Yue Li In view of the tension of geopolitical situations and the dim sum of global economic prospects, at first glance, it seems that gold has soared to historical highs.Everyone rega...
2024-07-31 06:13:24
Comments: The Ministry of Fed's Conference disclosed to the reduction of the sign
Comments: The Ministry of Fed's Conference disclosed to the reduction of the sign
Source: Bloomberg Author: Craig Torres The Minutes of the March meeting of the Federal Reserve show that decision makers generally agree to reduce the scale of the monthly scale by about half. According to the minutes, at the meeting of Mar...
2024-07-31 06:13:22
Comments: After 75 years, NATO has made the world more dangerous
Comments: After 75 years, NATO has made the world more dangerous
The Sunday Post website of Zimbabwe published an article in Mark Blacklock on April 7, entitled that NATO has made the world a dangerous place.The full text is as follows: April 4th is the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the North...
2024-07-31 06:13:20
Society: American and China Games Japan Deeli
Society: American and China Games Japan Deeli
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong officially visited the United States on April 9, and the grand reception obtained reflected the importance of the United States.US President Biden hosted a national banquet to entertain Kishida at th...
2024-07-31 06:13:17
Han Heyuan: The current situation, dilemma and reasons for the development of the new
Han Heyuan: The current situation, dilemma and reasons for the development of the new
The household registration system has damaged the vocational training of enterprises and also affects personal human capital investment. It is this exclusive education system that affects the quality of labor supply.This has constituted an...
2024-07-31 06:13:14
Gu Erd: From the response to the earthquake to semiconductor to see Taiwan's toug
Gu Erd: From the response to the earthquake to semiconductor to see Taiwan's toug
From selling cheap umbrellas to selling high -end chips, it shows the tenacity of Taiwan, but this way is not smooth.In the process, the resistance of reactionary waves and refusal to adjust the adaptation repeatedly appeared.How to smoothl...
2024-07-31 06:13:11
Huang Yuxiang: Adidas, who has repeatedly trapped the political quagmire
Huang Yuxiang: Adidas, who has repeatedly trapped the political quagmire
Adidas is a well -known German sports brand and one of the most successful sports brands in the world.As a German company, it is also closely related to the German national football team.For more than 70 years after the end of World War II,...
2024-07-31 06:13:08
<b>In the chip competition, which step is the United States recruiting China for demoliti</b>
In the chip competition, which step is the United States recruiting China for demoliti
In 2022, the United States passed the chip bill and provided US $ 53 billion aid and subsidies to companies producing semiconductors in the United States. After the deep -water zone of the US -China Semiconductor entered the AI ​​chip (...
2024-07-31 06:13:04
Industrialized miracles no longer develop countries need new wealth guidelines
Industrialized miracles no longer develop countries need new wealth guidelines
For more than half a century, developing countries have not changed much about the development of developing rich: transferred self -sufficient farmers to manufacturing, and then sold their products to other places in the world. This method...
2024-07-31 06:12:58
<b>Comments: China listened to Yellen, but her main purpose of visiting China may not be </b>
Comments: China listened to Yellen, but her main purpose of visiting China may not be
Source: Bloomberg Author: Christopher Condon Chinese officials listened to the main information conveyed by Jennite Yellen in the past few days: Beijing's vigorous promotion of manufacturing threatened other economies.But enthusiastic enter...
2024-07-31 04:53:17