Wang Yuanfeng: Sprintnick's moment of global education
Wang Yuanfeng: Sprintnick's moment of global education
Education needs to think about all aspects of thoughts, patterns, methods, and education management, and conduct strategic profound changes.If education responds to new challenges brought by AGI in traditional models, it is difficult to mee...
2024-08-28 09:50:53
Zhan Xingyang: R & D more safe and environmentally friendly electric vehicle batte
Zhan Xingyang: R & D more safe and environmentally friendly electric vehicle batte
Singapore has a strong talent pool and intellectual property protection, as well as closely related scientific research and industrial ecosystems, can play a key role in the development of advanced battery technology, especially in Southeas...
2024-08-28 08:31:17
Comment: The momentum of the BRICS expansion is difficult to stop more Asian countries
Comment: The momentum of the BRICS expansion is difficult to stop more Asian countries
Source: Bloomberg Author: Philip Heijmans This week, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang each ended in the Southeast Asian countries. Regional countries have expressed their willingness to join the...
2024-08-28 08:31:14
Shen Zewei: Hashan, one of Hashan, arrived at ten diplomats
Shen Zewei: Hashan, one of Hashan, arrived at ten diplomats
Sino -US games have led to the heating up in geopolitics. No matter how the situation evolves, regional countries are the same as their own interests.Whether Chinese netizens' "qi" continues to promote the friendly exchanges of new Chinese...
2024-08-28 08:31:11
Liu Liu: Driven of the driver of the stinking platform of the online car
Liu Liu: Driven of the driver of the stinking platform of the online car
Last week, Drag Muscus went to Shanghai to visit relatives and friends. In order to travel convenient, I chose to get online. The impression of online ride still stayed a few years ago.At that time, it was the peak of competition for the on...
2024-08-28 08:31:09
Yan Mengda: a global first in the world that subverts thinking
Yan Mengda: a global first in the world that subverts thinking
Jump out of the frame and think of creative thinking. From the classroom, workplace to the government's national governance, review various problems without falling around.The development of Singapore's country is becoming more and more com...
2024-08-28 08:31:06
Ye Pengfei: Civilization of Iberian Civilization
Ye Pengfei: Civilization of Iberian Civilization
A civilized society must be arranged. For those who destroy order, those who destroy order must be punished strictly to ensure that this fragile bubbles will not break in the dark ocean.In this sense, in the name of tolerance, the indulgenc...
2024-08-28 08:31:02
Comments: The rise of Le Pen forces will cause the French bond market to fall into the
Comments: The rise of Le Pen forces will cause the French bond market to fall into the
Source: Bloomberg Bond investors may increase interest rates on French government bonds in the next few years, and regime change may have a profound impact on the second largest economy in Europe. Even though Le Pen's National Alliance fail...
2024-08-28 08:31:00
Weida: The time for the choice of the platform of the times
Weida: The time for the choice of the platform of the times
If the current "New Cold War of the Globalization" has become a game, it may form a critical point of breaking the situation, which is the Russian President Putin that launched the Ukraine War. The Ukraine Peace Conference, which has just e...
2024-08-28 08:30:58
Huang Qiuyi: The prospect of peace talks of the Russian and Ukraine War
Huang Qiuyi: The prospect of peace talks of the Russian and Ukraine War
Since Russia launched an attack on Ukraine in 2022, Russia and Ukraine tried several times to negotiate peaceful negotiations several times, and ended in failure or fetal death.Recently, after the United States once again signed a 10 -year...
2024-08-28 08:30:55
Huang Weiman: The governance logic of the governance of oil polluted and the governmen
Huang Weiman: The governance logic of the governance of oil polluted and the governmen
In the process of reporting this incident, the most surprising thing for some media is that although the leakage of oil pollution involves multi -layer problems, such as environmental pollution, the health of the people, air and food qualit...
2024-08-28 08:30:53
Edge, tolerance, diversity: Viewing Singapore's "Queer" director's film feel
Edge, tolerance, diversity: Viewing Singapore's "Queer" director's film feel
Recently, the author watched the Singapore's transgender female director, Quen Wong and the team shot by the film in Berlin Cinema. The film tells the director himself as "Queer" (Queer, that is, non -heterosexual or / and gender identifica...
2024-08-28 07:11:23
<b>The Korean Peninsula has no nuclear efforts?Nuclear weapons hit any city in the United</b>
The Korean Peninsula has no nuclear efforts?Nuclear weapons hit any city in the United
In the past 10 years, although Russia and China led by Putin have deepened their confrontation with the West, at least in a geopolitical project, they have always been consistent with the United States: demolition or at least curb North Kor...
2024-08-28 07:11:20
Comment: How long can the dance on the tip of the knife last depended on the support o
Comment: How long can the dance on the tip of the knife last depended on the support o
Source: Bloomberg If a small number of large technology stocks that continue to drive the S P 500 index stocks above the 50th mobile moving average is declining, from 85%at the end of March and 92%in January to 47%on Monday.An index that me...
2024-08-28 07:11:17
Gao Jiansheng: The result of polarization elections is also a kind of public opinion
Gao Jiansheng: The result of polarization elections is also a kind of public opinion
The result of polarization is like the unfortunate injury or even serious injury of athletes in competitive sports. It is part of sports, and "polarization" is also part of political operation and development.The rational thinking and attit...
2024-08-28 07:11:14