Comments: Establishing sustainable and decarburized working space
Comments: Establishing sustainable and decarburized working space
Because of the sweltering and humid tropical weather, the closed architectural design is very popular in Singapore and many tropical countries.In order to effectively isolate the hot and humid air outdoor, most commercial office buildings a...
2023-10-13 12:43:16
Comments: German economy and recession pass by
Comments: German economy and recession pass by
Source: Voice of Germany Chinese website According to the average forecast of economists, the German economy reluctantly escaped the recession through a small growth in the second quarter.Economists in 19 banks surveyed by Reuters have aver...
2023-10-13 12:43:14
Comment: The proportion of RMB in China ’s bilateral settlement is the first super US
Comment: The proportion of RMB in China ’s bilateral settlement is the first super US
Source: Nikkei Chinese Network In the field of bilateral settlement in China as a trading party, the use of Chinese currency RMB is expanding.Statistical enterprises and institutional investors, such as settlement currencies, etc., the rati...
2023-10-13 12:43:12
Comments: Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the two places, queu
Comments: Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the two places, queu
Source: WeChat account "Decision Magazine" On July 21, Nanyang City, Henan Province held an entrepreneurial commendation conference. Zhu Yixi and Mayor Wang Zhihui, the secretary of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee, led the leaders of...
2023-10-13 12:43:09
<b>Society: Jin Jiancong's internal chaos internal chaos must stop bleeding</b>
Society: Jin Jiancong's internal chaos internal chaos must stop bleeding
Source: China Times Society Just as the Kuomintang's entire generation, the President of the President of Hou Youyi was running for the president to create Hou Han to embrace the ice. On the occasion of the unity of "man, bald, and swallow"...
2023-10-13 12:43:07
Three French President's three American officials: "Suddenly lively" of the Pacif
Three French President's three American officials: "Suddenly lively" of the Pacif
Source: Hong Kong 01 Author: Ye Dehao The recent diplomatic field of the Pacific island country suddenly became very lively: French President Macron is visiting French overseas territory Nouvelle-Calédonie, which will be transferred to Pap...
2023-10-13 12:43:04
Comment: Is Chinese bonds a road of transactions or destruction?
Comment: Is Chinese bonds a road of transactions or destruction?
Source: Bloomberg Whether Chinese bonds have traded or destroyed. Three Japanese market veterans pondered beer while drinking beer: specifically and slightly reflecting the dilemma faced by global investors when deciding to participate in t...
2023-10-13 12:43:02
Comment: Chinese women's football team in 1999 regrets losing the World Cup champ
Comment: Chinese women's football team in 1999 regrets losing the World Cup champ
Source: Wall Street Journal Author: chun han wong In 1999, the Chinese women's football team reached the Women's Football World Cup final, but lost to the US team during the penalty shootout.American women's football team, Brandi Chastain,...
2023-10-13 12:42:59
Lin Yuan: The Communist Party transformed under the "Hunson System"
Lin Yuan: The Communist Party transformed under the "Hunson System"
Hunson and the People's Party led by their leaders won in the just -concluded Cambodian elections.This is a election that lacks competition and rare suspense.According to preliminary statistics, the People's Party did not obtain all the Nat...
2023-10-13 10:03:07
Huang Yizhan: Hongsen regime starts the second -generation succession
Huang Yizhan: Hongsen regime starts the second -generation succession
Democracy in the field of political science, Cambodia is classified as the type of democratic politics of "military authority rule". It is similar to Egypt, Myanmar, and Sudan. Although there are regular national elections, a few fixed peop...
2023-10-13 10:03:05
Society: Spanish Hanging Parliament reflects the movement of public opinion
Society: Spanish Hanging Parliament reflects the movement of public opinion
In the July 23rd election of Spain, a suspension of parliament was generated, and 136 seats were won at the right -wing party of the wild, becoming the largest party in Congress.Another newly rising right -wing party call party won 33 seats...
2023-10-13 10:03:02
Hu Yishan: Where does the ethnic political leading Ma Guo move towards?
Hu Yishan: Where does the ethnic political leading Ma Guo move towards?
The Malaysian Constitution contains special status clauses about the Malay people (and other indigenous peoples, but in essence, mainly Malay), such as the discounts of official funds in terms of scholarships, official service positions, an...
2023-10-13 10:03:00
<b>Comments: Why don't I choose him without choosing him? Guo Taiming still goes?</b>
Comments: Why don't I choose him without choosing him? Guo Taiming still goes?
Source: Taiwan United Daily The latest presidential election of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation is released. In the case of the four -legged governor of Guo Taiming, Lai Qingde showed uniquely with 33.9%, which greatly ahead of Ke Wenz...
2023-10-13 10:02:57
Ye Dehao: Can the Russian Wutan Fire affect the "national soul" war in Ukraine?
Ye Dehao: Can the Russian Wutan Fire affect the "national soul" war in Ukraine?
Source: Hong Kong 01 Author: Ye Dehao Since Russia withdrew from the Black Sea Food Agreement last week, people originally expected that this was just a few serious threats with the average semi -thes of the previous agreement. Under the pr...
2023-10-13 10:02:55
<b>Zhao Chunshan: Kissinger's "surplus value"</b>
Zhao Chunshan: Kissinger's "surplus value"
Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network Author: Zhao Chunshan Former US Secretary of State Kissinger recently visited mainland China recently.Kissinger has always published high theory in international media in recent years, especially for Sin...
2023-10-13 10:02:52