(Hong Kong News) A study tour company in Beijing reported that the US Congress Building "reflects the solemnity and authority of the US democratic system" in the study advertising copy, which was accused of "existence of guidance errors" and "violating good society".To administrative penalties.

According to the Sing Tao Daily Sunday (September 8), a notification of administrative penalties for the Beijing Market Supervision and Administration Bureau recently circulated on the Internet.

The notice said that on April 21, this year's use of the WeChat public account on April 21 this year, it published an advertising copywriting entitled "Eagle Road -American College Art Expo Summer Research Camp".EssenceIt is mentioned that the magnificent buildings and exquisite decorations of the US Congress Building reflect the "solemn and authority of the American democratic system."Related copywriting was deleted on July 4.

The Beijing Municipal Supervision Bureau determined that there is a guidance error in this document, which violates the provisions of Article 9 of the China Advertising Law, and constitutes an illegal act of "publishing violation of good social advertisements".

The notice shows that, in accordance with relevant regulations, the company issued a fine of 200,000 yuan (RMB, Same, Same, S $ 36,700) or more or less than 400,000 yuan for the first time in accordance with relevant regulations.Considering that the total number of copywriting is 186 times, the duration is not long. It is imposed to be punished lightly without actual recruitment of students and charging fees.

Reported that there is only one page circulating on the Internet, and no light punishment is shown.A female employee of the International International said on Saturday (7th) that she did have a publicity copy of American universities and art museums.Know if you are punished.

Hong Kong media reported in July that on the eve of the summer vacation this year, Henan, Gansu, Shenyang and other places issued a notice.REL = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Requires to investigate the participation of overseas study groups in primary and secondary school students and "hidden ideological risks" , and focus on rectifying "respecting Western politics and beautifying Western civilization".