The United States has reportedly dispatched higher -level officials from the Ministry of National Defense to lead a group to participate in the Beijing Xiangshan Forum next week.This is the second time the United States participated in the forum after the crown disease.

The scholars of the interviewed believe that the five -corner building's participation shows that they want to maintain the exchanges between the two armies, but this visit is difficult to provide substantial assistance for the development of the relationship between the two armies.

China CCTV's new media "Yuyuan Tan Tian" revealed on Wednesday (September 4) that the US Department of Defense will lead the group to participate in the Xiangshan Forum.The Deputy Chairman of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Secretary -General of Asiaxin, the Deputy Secretary -General of the SCO, and international and regional organization representatives such as NATO and the European Union will attend the meeting.

Reuters quoted anonymous officials in the United States on Wednesday that the United States will send Pentagon's Deputy Assistant Minister Michael Chase, deputy assistant minister of China, Taiwan and Mongolia affairs to participate in the Xiangshan Forum.

The official said that Jess's level was higher than the US officials attending the meeting last year. It released the United States that even when the tension was intensified, it was still given priority to the signal with China in the military level.

The Xiangshan Forum was suspended for three years during the crown disease. After the recovery of October last year, the United States sent the Deputy Minister of Defense's Office of the Chinese Affairs Office of China Affairs, Xanthi Carlas to attend the meeting.Signs of thaw.

Since the meeting with the heads of China and the United States in San Francisco last November last year, the exchanges of the two armies suspended from the US speaker Pelosi in August 2022 quickly recovered.In January of this year, Jerse co -hosted a coordinated talks between China and the United States Defense Policy in Washington. This is the first time that such work -level talks have been held since 2022.

In April of this year, the US Defense Minister Austin and the Chinese Defense Mission Dong Jun held a video conference.On May 31, Austin met with Dong Jun during the Drial dialogue in Shangri -La, Singapore.Last week, the US National Security Consultant Sha Liwen met with Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission during his visit to China.

Wu Xinbo, the dean of the International Institute of International Issues of Shanghai Fudan University, said in an interview with the United Morning Post that in addition to participating in the Xiangshan Forum this time, the US military delegation will also start double contact with the Chinese military, which shows that the United States wants to maintain exchanges between the two armies.However, the relationship between the two armies was restricted by the overall tension of Sino -US relations, and it was difficult to develop smoothly.

China suspended in mid -July to negotiate with the United States on non -proliferation and military control issues to respond to the United States' continuous sales of Taiwan for military sales.

Wu Xinbo's judgment: "The current relationship between the two Sino -US armed forces is not enough to promote the development of the relationship between the two countries, and even cannot support the bottom."

The Xiangshan Forum is sponsored by the Chinese Military Science Society. The theme of the forum is "Building peace and sharing the future". It will be held in Beijing from September 12th to 14th.Official data show that as of September 3, more than 90 representatives of more than 90 countries and international organizations, and more than 200 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars confirmed to attend the forum, of which more than 30 defense ministers and chief military captains wereOfficial delegation including.