The dispute between China -US mobile phones has become more and more intensive. The US government has officially launched an investigation of advanced Chinese chips in Huawei's new mobile phones; the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the United States for "abuse of national power and unreasonable against Chinese enterprises."

Scholars of interviewed scholars analyzed that it is difficult for the United States to further tighten restrictions on China. Therefore, trying to respond to public opinion on Huawei chips through investigation.

Bloomberg News cited the US Department of Commerce on Friday (September 8) that the department had started to obtain more information about the Huawei Mate 60 Pro series mobile phone processor.Huawei Mate 60 Pro has previously rumored to obtain a technological breakthrough and uses a seven -nanometer processor made in China.The chip is made by SMIC in China. Both SMIC and Huawei are blacklisted by the United States and are restricted to obtain US technology.

A spokesman for the US Department of Commerce said: "To be clear: When the U.S. government responds to the national security threat from China, export control is only one of the tools. The restrictions implemented since 2019 have knocked down Huawei and forced it to reshape themselves by themselves.——The Chinese government paid a huge price for this. "

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning criticized "American abuse of national power and unreasonable targeting Chinese enterprises" at a regular press conference on Friday, and emphasized that "sanctions, curbing, and being unable to prevent the development of Chinese.The determination and ability of innovation. "

The China -US mobile giant has been pushed to the forefront of the scientific and technological warfare of the two countries for more than a week.Huawei released the new mobile phone 60 Pro in a low -key release last Tuesday (August 29). Although it did not disclose the technical details, the multi -party evaluation showed that this phone is equipped with a SMINO nano -process chip, and the network speed also reaches 5G levels.EssenceThis is regarded as a major technological breakthrough in Huawei. The incident has caused discussions on whether the United States has suffered vulnerabilities in Huawei's technology blockade. The voices of the United States on imposing sanctions on Chinese technology companies have risen.

On Wednesday (September 6), it is reported that China has asked officials from central government agencies to not use Apple mobile phones and other foreign brands in their work.After the news came out, Apple's stock price fell the next day on Thursday, a single day of a single day reached 2.92%.

Zhu Feida, an associate professor of the School of Computing and Information Systems of Singapore Management University, analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the United States is currently suffering from the problem of chip control of China.Its technology industry; but the presidential election of the United States is approaching, the domestic political pressure is relatively large, and the Bayeng government must also show its attitude.

Zhu Feida believes that it is difficult for the United States to further tighten restrictions on China. The investigation of the Ministry of Commerce is already a way to respond and show the attitude of the Bayeng government to the Huawei issue.

Huawei Mate 60 Pro triggered a wave of buying in China

The Huawei Mate 60 Pro series mobile phone, which has attracted the attention of the United States, has pre -sale in China on Friday, causing a boom in buying. Some platforms have been sold out in less than half a day."Will you transfer to Huawei from iPhone this year?", "Huawei King Fried" and other entries will rush on the Weibo hot search list on Friday.

Apple is expected to release the latest iPhone15 mobile phone on September 12, and the sales of the new model in China have attracted attention.Apple is dominant in China's high -end smartphone market. China is also one of its largest markets, accounting for about 19%of total revenue.Many public opinion believes that Huawei, which has achieved technological breakthroughs, may divide Apple's market share in China.

American Consumer News and Business Channel quoted US research institutions Bernestein analyst Toni Sacconaghi that China ’s iPhone ban shall be implemented by China’ s government agencies may cause Apple ’s sales in China by as much as 5%.What's more serious, this may release signals to the general public and encourage them to turn to use electronic products made in China.

Zhu Feida also believes that Huawei is likely to recapture part of China's market share through Mate 60 Pro."The entire international situation, and the domestic public opinion propaganda environment, so that Chinese consumers have a fundamental change in overseas products, especially the attitude of American product attitudes. Huawei currently has a greater advantage."