For the recent contacts in China and the United States to restore business, military and other aspects, scholars analyzed that China and the United States currently entered the necessary tactical trimming.However, the United States' military assistance in Taiwan with sovereignty meaning, Washington and Beijing's resurrection also highlighted the dilemma of lack of mutual trust between the two countries; and missed the opportunity of the 20th National Group Summit (G20), China and the United States will carefully maintain the interactive atmosphere.In order to promote leaders at the Summit of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC) Summit in November.

Sino -US relations are expected to return at the end of last year, but because the balloon incident earlier this year fell to the freezing point again, until the US national security adviser Sha Liven was in Austria in May, and Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the CPC Central Committee, met.Only then will gradually return to contact.

Since then, U.S. Secretary of State Brills took the lead in visiting Beijing in June, followed by Minister of Finance Yellen, Climate Special Envoy Kerry, and Commercial Minister Raymond in July and August.Improve the alleviating action of relations with China.

During the visit to China, China and the United States also decided to form a deputy ministerial working group of the Ministry of Commerce, as well as export control information exchange mechanisms to communicate for the dispute, and are also regarded as a further recovery of institutional contact.

The Chinese and US military also confirmed last week that Xu Qi, deputy chief of staff of the Joint Staff of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, met with the U.S. Indo -Pacific Commander Aqurino in mid -August.This is the first meeting of senior generals of the two armies this year.

Before that, at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore in June this year, China and the United States did not hold a bilateral meeting.China has also rejected the United States to propose the meeting of the two countries' defense ministers. It is believed that the main reason is that the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu is being sanctioned by the United States.

However, Washington has not made a concession in the core field subjects.For example, Raymond repeatedly reiterated during his visit to Beijing that the United States will put national security first.

During the US Minister of Commerce Raymond's visit to China in August, China and the United States decided to form a deputy ministerial work group and export control information exchange mechanism to communicate for the dispute.The country has further restored the system of institutionalization.(Reuters)

In addition, the US State Department also officially informed the Congress on August 30 to approve the Foreign Mility Financing (FMF) plan for foreign military financing (FMF) to provide Taiwan's $ 80 million (S $ 8.15 million of S $ 8.15 million)) Military assistance aroused dissatisfaction in Beijing and threatened to counter.

Analysis generally believes that this shows that the high competition between China and the United States still exists, but it has only entered tactical repair.

Zhang Deng, a professor at the Department of Political Science, Taiwan University, interpreted during an interview with the United Zaobao that one of the main features of the fierce competition between China and the United States this year is the "US offense".He said that although the United States has successively visited China in recent months, most of the components of the strokes have been stated, and it is very limited to give major substantial and substantial transfer of concerns about the issues of concern.

He believes that the atmosphere of high risk in mainland China, the United States, and Taiwan has not changed, and the risk of accidental conflicts is still high.

Professor Shi Yinhong, a professor at the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, also mentioned that since December last year, the United States' military support for Taiwan has continued to upgrade, which has exceeded the scope of military sales over the past decades, and has expanded to providing military assistance.More and more targeting actual combat needs.Therefore, it can be expected that China will respond to military operations with a deterrent and preparation of the meaning of war.

Judging from the overall situation of China -US interaction, Li Dazhong, a professor at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Tamkang University in Taiwan, believes that since the balloon incident, it is enough to see the fragility and lack of mutual trust in Sino -US relations.Communicate with, control risks, avoid conflict upgrade, and be careful to play.

But he said that Beijing and Washington face their respective internal pressure and political agenda. In areas such as the core interests involving core interests such as Taiwan, there is no room for concession, and it is easy to cause interference in variables or emergencies.

In the second half of this year, whether Chinese officials and U.S. President Biden could meet, it has become an important indicator of the relationship between the two countries and has attracted much attention from the outside world.The United States frequently dispatched senior officials to visit Beijing and was interpreted as a meeting for the two heads of state. The United States also publicly invited Chinese foreign ministers Wang Yi to visit the United States, but it has not been accepted.

Although Bayon was disappointed with the failure to meet with Chinese officials in India this time, he still said that he would be able to touch Chinese officials.

Li Dazhong analyzed that the probability of meeting the two sides at the APEC San Francisco Summit in November still exists. In particular, this time APEC was held in the United States, which is even more meaningful.However, as the United States gradually enters the election period, the variables will increase. Therefore, before the meeting of the two countries, what the two sides can do is to try their best to repair the relationship and prevent the atmosphere from going down.

As for China's official visits this year far below the epidemic, will it affect Chinese diplomacy?In an interview, Song Wendi, a lecturer in the Asia -Pacific College of the National University of Australia, pointed out that China now rely more on China's official direct leadership on a broader domestic policy. Once he visits, the efficiency of the overall political system will be reduced.Land reduction.

But he also mentioned that this time, the Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of China attended the G20 summit. The information that Beijing wants to pass is that China is still a responsible big country and hopes to solve policy issues with other countries.