(Manila News) A poll in the Philippines shows that most Philippine believes that China is the "biggest threat" of the Philippines and supports President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President Sand China.

The Manila Times reported on Friday (August 18) that according to the Philippine Tune Institution Publicus Asia in March this year, as many as 79%of the respondents believed that China would pose a major threat to the Philippines.

The survey showed that the most Philippine people trusted Japan (55%), and then in order to follow Asia Jia'an (45%), Canada (44%), and South Korea, Australia, and the United States (39%).In contrast, only 9%of the respondents trust China, and 14%of them trust Russia.

In terms of foreign policy, 60 % of the respondents support the position and policy of Macco's controversy in the South China Sea (the Philippines), including not concession to China, seeking diplomatic channels to resolve disputes, and strengthening to strengthen the dispute, and strengthenPhilippines and middle -aged cooperation.

Another survey launched by the Octa Research of the Philippine University Independence Research Group showed that 54%of the Philippines supported the United States to strengthen military cooperation with the United States in response to the South China Maritime Territory dispute.

The two countries in China and the Philippines had a dispute in the South China Sea earlier this month.The Philippines refers to the Chinese Maritime Police Ship intercepting the Philippine Coast Guard ship and supply ship for the Filipino Shore of the Philippine Ship in the Philippine Shore of the Filipino Coast Guard, which was stranded in the Aiyunjin Reef (China known as Renai Reef).As a result, one of the supply vessels could not reach the shallow beach unloading.This controversial sea area is in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, but China also advocates the sovereignty of this sea area.