At the time of Sino -US relations, the Chinese President Xi Jinping resumed Xinxinxin and the United States and China Young Student Student Exchange Association, saying that he hoped that more Chinese and American youths knew each other to know each other and worked together to become a new generation of messengers in the friendship between the two countries.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Sunday (August 20), Xi Jinping recently resulted in the US -China Youth Student Exchange Association and friendly people from all walks of life in Washington, USA.He expressed his gratitude to the US -China Young Student Student Exchange Association and friendly people from all walks of life for their good wishes for holding the Summer Games and the Asian Games in China.

Xi Jinping said that sports is a bond to enhance people's friendship.With the joint efforts of all parties, the simple, safe and wonderful Chengdu Grand Games was successfully held.The Chinese government and the people are confident and will host a wonderful Asian Games in Hangzhou.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the hope of Sino -US relations is in the people, the foundation is in the people, and the future in the youth.It is hoped that more Chinese and American youths know each other and go together to become a new generation of messengers in the friendship between the two countries, and inject the driving force for the development of Sino -US relations.He said that he believes that the American -China Young Student Exchange Association and friends will continue to contribute to the development of friendly communication between China and the United States and the stable development of the relationship between the two countries.

It is reported that before the US -China and Chinese youth student exchange associations and friendly people from all walks of life, they believe in Xi Jinping and wish China to host the World Student Summer Games and the Asian Games. At the same timeCultural exchanges.