Data show that in July, the amount of soybeans imported from the United States in July decreased significantly by 62.3%year -on -year.

According to the data released by the China Customs General Administration on Sunday (August 20), China ’s imported from the United States in July, which was imported from the United States in JulyTon.

However, the United States is still the second largest soybean supplier in China. In the first seven months of this year, American oil seeds accounted for 31.9%of China's soybean imports.

From January to July, China imported 19.85 million tons of soybeans from the United States, an increase of 13.9%year -on -year.

Reuters reported that in July, the amount of soybeans imported from Brazil in July increased by 32.4%year -on -year to 9.23 million tons. Because Brazil's oil seeds were harvested and the price was low, Chinese buyers increased their procurement.Brazil is China's largest soybean supply country.

From January to July, China imported 38.9 million tons of soybeans from Brazil, a year -on -year increase of 12.2%.In the first seven months of this year, Brazil's oil seeds accounted for 63.5%of China's total soybean imports.