(Bangkok Comprehensive News) Former Thailand's former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thailand, confirmed that he would return to Thailand next Tuesday (August 22).On the same day, it was also the day when the Thai up and down House of Commons were selected. Daxin returned to China at this time, so that the political situation would add another variable.

Daxin's young girl Peitan Tantan revealed on social media on Saturday (19th) that she would welcome her father Daxin at 9 am next Tuesday at 9 am.

Daxin subsequently interviewed the Thai news from the Broadcasting Corporation that he must return to Thailand on August 22 and will not postpone the return plan to return to China.

The Thai party: pure belong to Daxin family affairs

Aiming at the time of returning to China, he met the new Prime Minister. Daxin denied the relationship between the two, and said that he had arranged a schedule before the date of the parliament to be selected for the new Prime Minister.

The Thai party also pointed out that it was a coincidence that Daxin planned to return to Thailand on the day of the joint meeting of the two courts of Congress.According to the National Journal, Pu Tan, the vice chairman of the Thai party, emphasized that when he was questioned on Saturday, Daxin's return to China was the housework of Peitan, one of the party's prime minister.

He said: "Any question about Daxin returned to China, please ask his daughter Peitan directly. This is not about the affairs of the Thai party."

The Thai party has stated that Real estate tycoon community virtue is the prime minister candidate .Social ethics, he must get 500 elected members of the election, as well as the majority support of the 250 superiors appointed by the military to serve as the Prime Minister.

In addition, Wei Sannu, deputy prime minister responsible for legal affairs, said that he had not received a formal notice of returning to Thailand next week, but the official was already ready. Once he returned to China, he had to be prison immediately.

Sources: Take it to the Supreme Court and then send the detention center to the last prison

Bangkok Post quoted sources as saying that the Thai police and relevant agencies have held meetings on Friday (18th) to prepare for Daxin to return to China.It is understood that after Daxin stepped into the national gate, he would be taken to the Supreme Court first, then sent to the special detention center, and finally jailed.

After the 74 -year -old Daxin, after he stepped down for military coup in 2006, he was charged with a number of criminal crimes involving corruption and was sentenced to establishing and placing in prison by the Supreme Court.In order to avoid the prison, he has been exiled overseas since 2008.

Daxin has repeatedly postponed the plan to return to China. He was originally scheduled to return to China on August 10th , but suddenly a few days before leaving, suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly.Do

Thai political scholar Yutappeng told AFP that Daxin had "half the possibility of half" to return to China next week, and pointed out that his return may prompt his subordinates to support social morality.Can cause trouble.

Daxin has always been the taboo of pro -military forces and the Banners.When Daxin's sister Ying La was the Prime Minister of the year, he was considered to help Daxin return to China because he proposed the "Amnesty Act". As a result, he caused a large -scale demonstration and eventually caused a military coup.

Expert: Daxin has confidence to become a "political game victim"

Political analysts and legal expert Wirapa pointed out that Daxin's return to China means that he is confident that he will not become a "victim of political games", but this cannot be questioned "where he gets such a guarantee."

At present, the Thai Party has alliance with multi -party, trying to organize the government, and the Thais, which is originally led by Prime Minister Ba Yu, united the founding party that it will also join.It is also said that the party's citizenship party has negotiated with the Thai party and will support the candidate for the Prime Minister of the Thai party.