US Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro plans to visit China this month this month to visit China this month this month this month's visit to China this month this month this month's visit to China this month this monthPreviously, the United States excluded 27 Chinese entities from the "Unverified List" and was considered an olive branch to extend its olive branches to Beijing.

According to Bloomber27 entities are located in China, and other entities are located in Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

These 27 Chinese entities include, lithium battery material manufacturer Guangdong Guanghua Technology Co., Ltd., sensor manufacturer Nanjing Gahua Technology Co., Ltd., New Energy Power System R & D technology Beijing Puke Surveying and Control Technology Co., Ltd., Light sensor chip developer Suzhou Super Microex Na Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. and so on.

Statement says that after the successful completion of the final use verification of these entities, the Ministry of Commerce can determine their legitimacy and reliability.This decision was publicly displayed on the 21st and will take effect after the Federal Bulletin was announced the next day (22nd).

The Assistant Minister of the US Department of Commerce, Akssel Rhoder, said that the US government eliminated 33 entities from the list, showing that when the enterprise or the host government cooperates with the Industry and Security Agency,They will get practical benefits.

Raymondo is expected to visit China in the end of this month.If it is done, this will be the first visit to China since Raymond has served as the Minister of Commerce, and it is also the fourth senior official of the Biden government since June.Senior officials who visited China before were Secretary of State Brosky, Minister of Finance Yellen, and Climate Special Envoy Cry.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter, saying that the possible results of Raymond ’s trip was a working group established between the Ministry of Commerce of the United States and China to discuss US export control measures.These measures are designed to prevent cutting -edge technology from the Chinese military.