Daniel Leaf, former deputy commander of the Pacific Command of the U.S., on Tuesday (August 8th), the US -China relations are currently dangerous, and neither countries can bear the consequences of bilateral relations.

Lilifu said at the 140th anniversary of the birthday of General Stiwei, held in Chongqing on Tuesday, stated that whether they like or not, the United States and China cannot be separated from each other.The relationship will have a profound impact on the 21st century, and the two countries cannot bear the failure of bilateral relations.

Stiwei is the US general during World War II. He has arrived in China five times and spent 12 years in China. He can speak fluent Chinese.In March 1942, he arrived in Chongqing, then the order of US President Roosevelt, and served as Chief of Staff of the Commander of the Chinese War Zone of the Alliance to help China train the long -distance army, open up the humping route, host the construction of the Stidwell Highway, and supply the Chinese army for the anti -Japanese army.Taste.

Liff believes that September can be used as a problem resolved during World War II as a problem resolrator and a problem exploring person, and the connection between the two countries can be entered into the humanities.

The above commemorative activity is organized by the Stadway Research Center managed by the Chongqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office to strengthen the promotion of the face -to -face interaction of China and the United States.

Qiu Wenxing, deputy director of the US Department of Foreign Affairs, said at the meeting that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, China and the United States were in Chongqing's "fighting side by side on the same trenches", which commemorates Sidi Wei to remember his friendship with his people.Continue to continue the China -US friendship cause.

Qiu Wenxing also pointed out that Chongqing is not only a person who has a close -ups of Sino -US against fascist, but also a practitioner of mutually beneficial and win -win relations between China and the United States.Last year, the Sino -US trade volume was nearly 760 billion US dollars (S $ 10.52 billion), with two -way investment of more than 240 billion U.S. dollars, and more than 70,000 US -funded enterprises invested in China.American companies such as Corning, Aoz, Ford, HP, and other US companies have received generous benefits in Chongqing. They also make positive contributions to the local economic development. "The essence of mutual benefit and win -win Sino -US relations is fully demonstrated in Chongqing."

Qiu Wenxing said that the current crossroads where Sino -US relations are at the crossroads. He calls on the United States to go with China, properly control the differences, focus on dialogue cooperation, and promote the return of Sino -US relations to the correct development track.

The descendants of Stiwei and Zhu De, the founding marshal of the Communist Party of China, in the Stadwich Museum in Yuzhong District, Chongqing on Tuesday.Unveiling ceremony.

Nancy Millward, the granddaughter of Stiwei, said in a question in Lianhe Morning Post after the meeting that Stadwell's revelation to future generations is that the people of the United States and China need to have more understanding of people at the grassroots level.

Milward is an executive director of the Silicon Valley Directors Exchange. This time, he brought three underage sons to Chongqing to attend a commemorative event.She believes that when relations with the United States and China are tense, face -to -face communication allows the two -generation younger generation to contact the world with completely different worlds. Learn the knowledge that cannot be obtained in news and books.Affects relations between the two countries.