A general in the United States believes that China's approach to Latin America has made China enter the Red Zone of the United States.

According to Voice of the United States, Laura Richardson, commander of the Southern Command of the United States, told the US Think Tank Strategic International Research Center on Friday (August 4) that China has not yet established a real military base in the Western Hemisphere. "However, I saw all these key infrastructure investment in the 'Belt and Road' project. These may become some bases one day. "

Richard said that China uses military and civilian dual -use technology, in the Panama Canal and the Magellan Strait, etc.The construction of a key waterway to build a deep -water port, which may allow Chinese officials to quickly change these facilities from civilian use.

She also expressed concerns about the spread of China Telecom infrastructure in South America and China and the United States, and said that five countries from Central South America have sought China to help build a 5G high -speed mobile phone network.

Richard said that other 24 countries relied on China's 3G or 4G mobile network, and many of them received almost zero -cost upgrade quotes, which will continue to rely on China in terms of telecommunications demand.So far, the United States cannot get better conditions.

She said: "We have been surpassed in China at this moment. We must be able to have an alternative method, an alternative company, and an alternative option, so that they (Latin American countries) can choose."

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted U.S. officials in June that China and Cuba reached a secret agreement to allow China to set up electronic monitoring facilities for the United States in Cuba.

China, Cuba, and the United States subsequently pointed out that the report was incorrect, unfounded, and purely rumored, but US Secretary of State Brosky said that the United States has established spy and military bases in Cuba to build a spy and military base in Cuba, and to Beijing to Beijing, and to Beijing to Beijing, to Beijing, and to Beijing, to Beijing, to Beijing, to Beijing, to Beijing, and to Beijing, to Beijing, to Beijing, to Beijing, to Beijing, to Beijing, to BeijingHe expressed concerns with Havana and achieved some success in preventing China from the efforts of overseas establishment of military bases.