U.SHe was arrested with sensitive national security materials.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that officials of the US Department of Justice said at a press conference on Thursday (August 3) that the sailor Wei Jinchao (transliterated, Jinchao Wei) was the second in the San Diego region.one person.Another defendant, 26 -year -old naval officer Zhao Wenheng (transliterated, Wenheng Zhao) from Montrey Park, California, he was charged in Los Angeles and was charged with the crime of bribery by public officials.

Prosecutors claimed that Wei Jin sent a document to China and charged thousands of dollars.The indictment stated that he provided China with potential vulnerability information, military hardware photos and dozens of technical manuals to China, which threatened the security of the US sailor.

Zhao Wenheng was accused of sending a plan to send the United States military exercise in the Indo -Pacific region in the Indo -Pacific region, the electrical map and blueprint of the Japanese Okinawa U.S. military base radar system, as well as the US Navy of Wensura County and the St. CleenteSafety details of facilities.

Wei and Zhao are born in the United States who were born in China.Whether they hire a lawyer to be unknown for the time being.

Reuters reported that the Chinese Embassy in the United States did not immediately reply to the request.

Matthew Olsen, head of the National Security Department of the Ministry of Justice, said at a press conference in San Diego: "These allegations indicate that China has obtained information that is crucial to my country's national defense in any way. , Come to transform this into their advantages. "

Stacey Moy, a Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI), also said that Beijing will spare no effort to attack the United States as the world's only superpower strategic plan." For the United States, there is no bigger and more threatened by generations than China. "

FBI Director Christopher Wray revealed last year that the FBO will be targeted at the average of every 12 hours. New Chinese anti -intelligence case filed.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has always denied the United States' allegations on national support for espionage.