(Bangkok Comprehensive Electric) Former Thai Prime Minister Daxin, who has been in exile and overseas, has delayed his return to China again, delaying the date of "not more than two weeks" on the grounds of physical examination.

Daxin was originally scheduled to return to China on August 10th , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .But he posted a post on social media on Saturday (August 5) and announced: "I want to postpone the date of returning to Thailand by not more than two weeks, and I will notify the date and time.Check. "

However, the Thai media recently quoted the Thai party sources that Daxin would return to China until Thailand established the government and the political situation "more stable" to ensure that he would not have a condition when he returned to China.Sources also revealed that Daxin was hearing that After performing voting , it was decided to extend the plan to return to China.

After the

Daxin government was overthrown, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison for the establishment of four corruptions. At present, there is still a control of control.

/A>.After separating with the Congress's largest party, he intended to cooperate with the Thai Party with the Thai Party, and plans to nominate the Thai party consultant and the real estate tycoon community.

However, the voting of the candidates of the Prime Minister in the upper and lower courtyards of the Congress has been postponed. The Constitutional Court decided on the 16th of this month to decide whether to accept the qualifications for the Congress to cancel the party leader of the party leader.This will bring variables to whether the Thai party can form a government.

Napisa Waitoolkiat, a assistant professor at Na Lixuan University, analyzed the AFP that Daxinzhan's return to the country means that the agreement of the Thai party and the pro -military party has not yet reached.

Candidate for the Prime Minister of the Thai Party Fettling Tax Escape

At the same time, Social virtue he suddenly fell into a tax evolution storm. .Former Thai bath industry tycoon Chuwei accused Social Deba this week that he helped the company tax evasion when he served as the president of the real estate group.

He defended the social morality on Friday, saying that the party did not find any moral issues in the background investigation of him.

Bangkok Post quoted the Thai party member Annatong's words reported that the party was willing to accept the public to review its prime minister candidate.He disclosed that the legal team of the Thai party has checked all evidence and is convinced that there is no problem with the candidate screening process.

Annoisong said: "Social morality is qualified to become the next Prime Minister. He has not done anything violating the constitution, law and morality."