A widely popular investment immigration plan in the United States has been optimized, and re -attracts the interest of seeking the rich Chinese.

According to the Wall Street Journal on Thursday (August 3), in the context of the three years of strict crown and control measures, the relationship between China's current relationship with the West, and the economic prospects,Many Chinese are very worried about the future development direction of the country.More people have more people to leave China, and some people have a strong sense of urgency.

The US EB-5 investment immigration plan began in the 1990s, and has raised more than 40 billion US dollars (the same, about 53.7 billion yuan) funds.Although the original intention of the plan was to introduce foreign capital into a well -developed area and create employment opportunities for local employment, most of the funds flowed into the glorious urban projects, such as Hudson Yards in New York City.

The US Congress proposed a criticism that the developers of large cities have not strictly abidered the relevant rules and harmed the plan.Due to the multiple fraud cases, and the EB-5 visa needs to wait for many years, many investors have lost interest in the EB-5 project.

Last year, the U.S. Congress re-approved the EB-5 plan for five years and clearly allocated one-fifth of the 10,000 visa places a year to rural regional projects.Rural areas refer to places where the population is located outside the metropolis area and has a population of less than 20,000.The visa quota that can be obtained in each country does not exceed 7%of 10,000 quotas per year, which leads to long -term backlogs of applicants in many countries, especially China.

The comprehensive reform EB-5 plan has attracted the attention of Chinese citizens, and the plan requires that investing in certain projects should not be less than 800,000 US dollars.Chinese citizens were the main force of the plan, but in recent years, Indians have become the most important participants.Many Chinese immigration agencies are promoting that the adjusted EB-5 plans represent a golden age of investing in the United States.

The new EB-5 rules allow immigration status to be easier to convert from student or employment visa to permanent residents.The prospect of quickly gaining the green card seems to re -ignite the interest of investors.Rural projects are considered a new category, so there should not be any backlogs.Several Chinese investors said that they were attracted by the optimized projects because their children had obtained a student visa in the United States, and the new regulations provided a faster way to apply for a green card through the EB-5.