People familiar with the matter revealed that China and the United States will open new new ones.Communicate channels to deal with different issues between the two countries.This is signs of progress in stable relations since US Secretary of State Brillings visited China in June this year.

According to the British Financial Times Friday (August 4), three people familiar with the matter reported that Washington and Beijing will jointly create two working groups to focus on dealing with the Asia -Pacific region and marine issues.The two countries may also establish a third working group to deal with wider issues.

People familiar with the matter said that Yang Tao, the director of the North American Oceania Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Monday (July 31) in Washington with officials from the Asia -Pacific Affairs Assistant of the State Department of the State Department, discussed the establishment of a working group.arrange.It is expected that officials between the two countries will formulate details in the next few months, but the two parties have not reached the final decision.

Another person familiar with the matter revealed that China and the United States are considering holding a series of conferences to set a clear solution for the difficult problems facing the two countries, but Washington will not reproduce the previous government's opening of the previous governments.Formally dialogue.

Mike Gallagher, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, described the high -level interaction between China and the United States as the "zombie contact", which pays too much attention to the process rather than the result.

The current Sino -US relations have fallen to the freezing point in the Taiwan Strait issue, scientific and technological warfare, export control and other issues.However, in recent months, senior officials such as Brinken, the US Minister Yellen, and the Presidential Climate Special Envoy Cry have visited China one after another, temporarily alleviating the increasingly tense relationship between the two countries and then spiraling.U.S. Minister of Commerce Raymond also plans to visit China in the near future.

It is reported that the planning to open up communication channels is the first practical progress after China -US leaders reached a consensus after meeting in Bali, Indonesia last November.Prevent Sino -US competition from conflict.

Kurt Tong, who was the former head of the United States in Hong Kong and Macao and is now a partner of the Asian Group, believes that this will be the first time that the two countries have planned to restart systematically on core issues for many years. This is to strengthen national security.A very important way, by explicit intention to potential opponents, not only plays a deterrent role, but also play a guarantee.

However, whether this can reverse Sino -US relations, experts still have skepticism.

Ryan Hass, an expert in China, said that the United States is not interested in negotiations on negotiations. In exchanges with Chinese peers, American officials have not made any concessions. "I expect this situation to continue. "

Ge Laiyi, an expert in the Marshall Foundation in Germany, welcomes the working team of China and the United States, but its results still have to be observed.North Korea returns to eliminate the negotiations of nuclear weapons, or discuss how China plays a role in ending the Ukrainian war? "