The Supervision Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States said that the association was initiating an investigation of incidents in China suspected of participating in the recent invasion of the US Department of Commerce and the US State Department's email system.

According to Reuters, the US House of Representatives Supervision Committee reported on Wednesday (August 2) that the chairman of the association James Comer asked US Secretary of Commerce Raymond Doro and US Secretary of State Brillin in August 9thBefore the day, explain the details of the above incident.

Several members of the Representatives sent a letter to Raymond Doro that they were concerned about the attack on federal agencies, especially the incident involved senior US government officials, reflecting the new level of Chinese hackers' technology and precision.

U.S. officials and Microsoft revealed last month that since May this year, hackers related to the Chinese government have invaded an email account of more than 25 institutions in the United States, including at least two government agencies.

The US State Department and the Ministry of Commerce confirmed that they were victims.The Washington Post quoted an informed official that the e -mail of the US Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro was also invaded.

The Wall Street Journal reported last month that Chinese hackers also invaded an email account of the US Ambassador to China Burns and the US State Council ’s Asia -Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda.

Raymond said in an interview with the US CNBC last month that despite reports from Chinese hackers invading US officials, she still plans to visit China in the second half of this year."We are planning this trip, but it does not mean that we will forgive any hacker activities or violate our national security behavior."