Temu two cross-border e-commerce unicorn TEMU Chinese Chinese unicorn TEMUHein has recently been unable to fight for the market share of the US market.

The legal offensive and defensive war between TEMU and Hipyin

Hitchin led the first shot in December 2022, and filed a lawsuit with TEMU in the Federal Regional Court of Illinois, USA, accusing TEMU signing a contract to sign a contract to sign a contract to sign a contract to sign a contract to sign a contract to sign a contract to sign a contract.Social media Internet celebrities allowed them to make "false and deception statements" to Xiyin while promoting Temu's official website (Temu.com), and made villarly remarks to Higou.

Hipyin also accused TEMU as having to open three fake Twitter accounts in the name of Hipin, claiming that this is the account number of Higin's newly opened, but when the user clicks the link issued by these accounts, it will be taken to Temu to TEMUOfficial website or application.Hipyin also pointed out that Temu stole the Higong trademark and put a false advertisement on the TEMU official website.Trademarks are put on false advertisements on TEMU's official website.(Reuters)