Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Li Shangfu emphasized when meeting with former US Secretary of State Kissinger that the peaceful development path that China has taken is the blessing of the world, not the world's disaster, and the United States should have the correct strategic judgment.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of National Defense, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Li Shangfu met with former US Secretary of State Kissinger, who visited in Beijing on Tuesday (July 18).

Li Shangfu said that today's world has become chaotic, the 100 -year -old change has accelerated the evolution, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges.The peoples of all countries hope that China and the United States shoulders the responsibilities of great powers, play a leading role, and jointly maintain the prosperity and stability of the world.

He emphasized that the path of peaceful development in China is the blessing of the world, not the scourge of the world, and the United States should have the right strategic judgment.Emerging countries will get along peacefully with developed countries peacefully, integrate and develop, and our world will be better in the future.

Li Shangfu said that some people in the United States did not go with China, causing Sino -US relations to hover at the trough since the establishment of diplomatic relations.The atmosphere of communication was destroyed.China has always been committed to building a stable, expected and constructive Sino -US relations. It is hoped that the United States and China will implement the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries and jointly promote the healthy and stable development of the relationship between the two countries.

According to Reuters and Bloomberg, after visiting China on June 18, US Secretary of State Brillin, US Finance Minister Yellen also visited China earlier this month. At present, the U.S. climate special envoy Kerry is in Beijing to conductaccess.These U.S. officials visited China and hoped to ease the tension between the United States and China.

When Li Shangfu and Kissinger met, the high -level dialogue between the Sino -US military has not been restored, and the military deployment of East Asia has gradually heated up.

According to the press release of the Ministry of National Defense, Kissinger said that the world's challenges and opportunities coexist, and the United States and China should eliminate misunderstandings, coexist peace, and avoid confrontation.History and practice have continued to prove that any of the United States and China cannot afford the price of the opponent as an opponent.

He pointed out that if a war between the two countries will not bring any meaningful results to the people of the two countries.Understanding and handling US -China relations, especially to reverse the current difficulties, requires broad thinking and historical philosophy. The two sides need wisdom, cooperate with each other, and develop together.Active results, maintaining world peace and stability.

This is the first visit to Beijing for the first four years.He visited Beijing in November 2019, when he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping appreciated Kissinger at the time for many years to promote the development of two great national relations in China and the United States.Entering history.It is hoped that Kissinger is healthy and longevity, and continue to be promoters and contributors to Sino -US relations.

The Secretary of State of Kissinger in the former US President Nesheson played a pivotal role for the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in the 1970s.