Florida Governor, Governor of the next president of the United States, said that if he was elected president, he would take action to cancel China's "the most beneficial treatment".

According to Reuters, Ron Desantis, Sunday (July 9), accepted the "Fox News Sunday" (Fox News Sunday).China is the most beneficial to the country). I think we may need Congress to cooperate, but I will take appropriate administrative measures in order to make us in that direction. "

De Santis also described, China is "the number one geopolitical threat facing the United States."

The US Congress Senate voted in 2000 to give China the most beneficial treatment in China. At that time, China was ready to join the World Trade Organization (WTO).It is reported that the United States must be approved by Congress to cancel China's most beneficial national treatment.

The relations between the United States and China have been tense for many years because of many issues that are related to national security, including Taiwan and the United States' export restrictions on advanced technology, industrial policies, human rights issues, and crown diseases led by Chinese nationalsTraceability and trade tariffs.

Reported that Washington is currently working hard to repair the relationship between the two major economies in the world.The US Finance Minister Yellen Sunday (July 9) described her meeting with senior Chinese officials in recent days with "direct, substantive, effective", and said that the talks were further efforts to promote Sino -US relations.