The two world's largest economies in the United States and China must compete fairly and communicate closely to avoid misunderstanding.

According to Reuters, Yellen said on Saturday at Diaoyutai State Guest House and Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng that, despite the recent heating up in the tension in the United States and China, the total bilateral trade of the two countries last year statedThe two countries have enough space for trade and investment.

Yelun said: "Faced with complex global economic prospects, the two largest economies in the world need to communicate closely and exchanging on how to deal with various challenges."Global economic prospects, so as to make better decisions, the key is that the two countries must continue to discuss the areas and differences between common concern.

She reiterates that the United States is not seeking economic competition with China to "win people" or occupy economic advantages in competition.National energy has benefited in the long run.

Yellen said that the United States will continue to express concern directly on the concerns of specific economic practices, and take targeted measures to protect its national security.

She also urged China not to let any differences cause misunderstandings, especially those who originated from lack of communication, because this may not need to worsen the economic and financial relations between the two countries.