U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen described the four -day visit to China that although there are still significant differences in China and the United States, relations between the two countries are moving towards a more stable foundation.She also shows that Washington does not look at Sino -US relations from the conflict between the conflict of the country. The decoupling is a disaster for both countries and will cause the world economy to lose stability.

Scholars interviewed scholars and judged that although Yellen visited Huawei China and the United States to lay the foundation in the next step, the space and room for cooperation between the two parties were not large.

Yellen Sunday (July 9) At a press conference before leaving Beijing, he opened the door to admit that "there are significant differences in the United States and China."But she emphasized that the US President Biden and her herself "do not look at US -China relations from the perspective of conflict between big powers" and "we believe that the world is big enough to make both countries prosper."

During his visit to China, he had a bilateral talks with Chinese seniors such as Li Qiang, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng, Minister of Finance Liu Kun, and Pan Gongsheng, Secretary of the Central Bank of the Communist Party of China.She also met with the central bank governor Yi Gang and former deputy prime minister Liu He, who was still influential in the Chinese economy.

Yellen described these talks with "direct, substantive, effective", and said that talks were further stable efforts to promote Sino -US relations.

She said that the United States does not seek decoupling to China and explains that "decoupling and making key supply chain diversify or take a targeted national security action, and the two have important differences"; the United States does not want to see "a division or division or orForced the global economy of all countries to choose a border station.

Although Yellen actively evaluated the communication with high -level Chinese high -level Chinese high -level Chinese senior management at the conference of Yellen, she did not announce that any breakthroughs that could meet the cracks of the two countries.

The differences between China and the United States in the economic field are still very significant.Yellen expressed concerns about China's unfair economic behavior and coercion for American companies, which also shows that the United States will continue to take necessary and targeted actions to protect the national security interests of themselves and allies.

But she emphasized: "These actions are considered by direct national interests. We will not use them to obtain economic advantages."

Beijing reiterated the practice of opposing Washington to maintain US national security through trade restrictions.After Yellen and He Lifeng's five -hour talks, the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency issued a statement: "China believes that generalization of national security is not conducive to normal economic and trade exchanges."

Yellen is the second leader who visited China within a month after the US Secretary of State Brillings.This is also part of the recent efforts to promote communication with Beijing.

Wu Xinbo, Dean of the International Institute of International Issues of Fudan University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Yellen's visit to China allows the Sino -US economic and trade team to have a substantial exchange, so that the two sides can better understand each other's views and lay the foundation for the next step.

But he didn't deny: "It's just meaningless to communicate. Next, you still have to solve the problem. How much can be solved? It is difficult to say now ... It depends on the political will of both parties."

There are many problems that need to be promoted and resolved in China and the United States, including climate cooperation, tariffs, high -tech and investment restrictions.American climate special envoy Kerry is expected to be Chinese -Chinaing China this month, and the Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro may also arrange to visit China in the near future.

Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law School of Hong Kong University, interpreted that the United States hopes to develop a narrative through these communication interpretations to persuade China not to take fierce countermeasures.

But he was pessimistic that the political atmosphere of the United States and the established strategic goal of China means that it is difficult for Washington to cooperate with Beijing.The space and room for cooperation. "